A Quote by Glenn McGrath

One of the great things about cricket, and certainly something that I found helpful, was that as soon as you step over the boundary rope you can switch off everything that is happening off the field and focus solely on what is happening out on the pitch.
I don't really focus on these things - on what tags are given to me or what people think of me off the field - stuff like that. My main focus is always to do well on the field for the Indian cricket team. When people say good things about me off the field, I am more than happy to accept them.
I do need to focus on playing my football and what's happening on the pitch rather than off it... I want to be myself and not think about it.
I think a captain is someone who captains on the cricket field but, most of the leadership that happens is off the cricket field. It's very easy to captain people on the cricket field, but if you can start leading them off the cricket field, and show them that trust, what you have in them.
My main focus is always to do well on the field for the Indian cricket team. When people say good things about me off the field, I am more than happy to accept them.
For me, the biggest champions out there are not just on the field, but also off the field. Some of the biggest champions around the world, the David Beckhams, the Lebron Jameses, they all hold themselves so well off the field, and do so many great things for the community and socially. So I think it's not just about how you perform on the field, but how you hold yourself off it.
On the pitch we tend to forget the things that happen off the field. I try to focus a lot on what I'm doing.
As soon as I step on the field, totally different person. As soon as I step off, I go back to who I've always been.
One of my theories is to be captain on the field and off the field, you need to totally enjoy each other's company. I don't like discussing cricket off the field.
My priority is cricket. Everything that I get apart from it is a result of the effort on the field. Everything else follows. I am pretty aware of my priorities, and I don't really focus on things that are not as important to me as cricket.
It's really difficult to get good information, and there's a reason for that. They're not letting journalists in. Whenever something really bad is happening, we always are dealing with uncertain information. Certainly what is happening there is qualitatively different from what happening in Abyei.
People get confused with athletes, especially ultimate competitors. They think they are the same on and off the field. Once you see me on the field, I am a different person. I have a switch I can flip on and off.
One of the things that's great about doing a show over and over again... is that you have to find ways to make it spontaneous, as though everything is happening for the first time... to continue to mine the material and find new things.
Off the pitch I've always believed it is healthy to switch off from football and have completely different interests too.
You hear about things happening to people - they slip in the bathtub, fall down the stairs, step off the curb in London because they think that the cars come the other way - and they die. You feel you want to die making an effort at something; you don't want to die in some unnecessary way.
Sourav was a great cricketer, he performed on the field, would like to see him perform off the field as a cricket administrator.
The one who plays this game the best is Iniesta: he knows exactly when to go forward and when to drop back. He picks the right moment to do everything: when to dribble, when to speed things up and when to slow things down. And I think that's the only thing that can't be taught or bought. You can learn how to shoot and how to control the ball, but being aware of everything that's happening out on the pitch - that's something you're either born with or you're not.
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