A Quote by Gonzalo Higuain

The defenders in Italy are stronger, and that makes me better. Serie A is played in a different way to other leagues. — © Gonzalo Higuain
The defenders in Italy are stronger, and that makes me better. Serie A is played in a different way to other leagues.
I know this sounds weird, but getting hurt was one of the best things that ever happened to me. It really gave me a different perspective. Before, everything was going how it was supposed to be and I wasn't really appreciative of what I was doing and what it took to be there. The injury grounded me in a lot of different ways. The rehab process makes you stronger on all fronts, mentally and physically. I feel stronger and a better person for it. I would never wish it on anyone, but I don't wish I could take it back.
I've played in Serie A, the Bundesliga, Holland and now the Premier League. They are all different.
I really like Italy and Inter. When I was a kid I used to watch several leagues and I knew the names of all the greats that have played for this club.
I played good ball in the minor leagues, and that's why they called me up to the major leagues.
Obviously, you have the physicality and the way the game is played in the Premier League. The goalkeeper is not as protected as in Europe or different leagues.
In Italy, it is really hard to win the Serie A.
Serie A will always be one of the best leagues in the world. I hope to go back one day.
I don't have a problem with any defenders. I've always played against great defenders.
I love Italy. This is the country that made me famous, and I would love to stay in Serie A.
Levante have gone fourth in Serie A. If anyone can tell me what part of Italy Levante is in, please call. I've no idea
The Premier League is different to other leagues where I have played, and everybody knows it is very tough, but I will do my best to beat my own personal records - I'm very motivated.
I played for Bologna in Serie A when I was 16, and those experiences made me this person. Just as importantly, I never played for a big club. My teams were normal, ordinary, but through hard work, we became successful.
The biggest thing for me is that I've managed to work through some difficult times, and those moments always make you stronger. It makes you a stronger person and a better player.
It was a great two years in Italy, I played a lot of games and gained experience in a different league. So you pick up new stuff, new ways of doing things, on and off the pitch, and I think that has made me a better player, and also more mature mentally.
Even when there's pressure and distractions and expectations from others or myself, it's a good thing. It just makes me a better person. It makes me stronger.
I don't see too many differences between Serie A and the Premier League. Both are unpredictable leagues, where anything can happen.
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