A Quote by Gopi Sundar

I take breaks now and then. But when I work, I get things done at a fast pace. — © Gopi Sundar
I take breaks now and then. But when I work, I get things done at a fast pace.
I'm asthmatic. I was a lot bigger back then, and I still get winded on stage today. But I've learned how to pace it now. I have musical breaks in there.
What it means to be a man is to take on all the emotional pain and work through what you got to work through with the people you love while at the same time getting your business done. And it's tough. I think that most children when they grow up they kind of realize that the things they didn't like about their parents or didn't understand about them they get now and that you know every year you get more responsibilities. You get more overhead. You get more things you got to take care off.
I'm not disciplined at all. I barely function. But I get a lot done. I take days off all the time, but when I work, I work very fast and very efficiently. But I'm always having days when I'm feeling a little anxious, and I take a day off. I work in a funny way.
Work smart. Get things done. No nonsense. Move fast.
Don't take on things you don't believe in and that you yourself are not good at. Learn to say no. Effective leaders match the objective needs of their company with the subjective competencies. As a result, they get an enormous amount of things done fast.
With Fincher, you can take chances and try things. And what happens is that any pretension and preparation you've done, all the square, intellectual work, you can't keep that up for 40 takes. It breaks down, and new things start popping up. This, for me, is the most exciting thing about film-making.
As president, I will take that work, that bipartisan work, that finding common ground, because you have to be able to get along with people to get things done in Washington.
There's something helpful about the fast pace of a TV set where everything has to be finished by the end of the week. You have to finish the episode; it doesn't matter how long you have to go on Friday night, but you have to get it done.
We associate stress with action, but how can you take action without stress? You take the right actions with a different energy. Yes, that might affect the speed at which you work or how much you get done in one day, but you'll probably get things done more efficiently.
I work three months really hard, nonstop, and then I take a month off. Then I do it all over again. I work hard but I give myself four breaks a year.
Move fast, take risks, it's okay to try big things you're better off trying something and having it not work and learning from that than having not done anything at all.
All the young people grow up too fast and want to be able to do this, or that. When you get to the older age and you have a mortgage, bills, this and that you think: "If I had done that differently when I was younger, then I wouldn't be in this situation now."
It used to take us six days to film an hour of 'Gunsmoke.' But I didn't mind the fast pace of soap opera work. It was nice being able to shoot scenes in sequence. We couldn't do that on 'Gunsmoke.'
Things have their own pace, and if we work with that pace and anticipate the issues correctly, we can have good results.
Sometimes I catch myself doing something that I've already done. The more I've done, the more that's likely to happen. Then I just throw it away. I wait until I've got the right way of getting a thing done, which means my songwriting proceeds at a very slow pace. But it's the only way I can really work.
I will tell you that I'm a bit of a snob. I love film, and I would like to work in film, and I'm disappointed that indie film is as hard as it is to work in now. It's hard to get things done, but that sort of work is being done on TV. That's what I do; that's what I write. It's what I love, and hopefully, that's what my future's going to be.
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