A Quote by Gordon Hayward

There are certain times during the season when the game is a job. — © Gordon Hayward
There are certain times during the season when the game is a job.
I eat at certain times. I got to leave the house at certain times. I shower at certain times before the game.
It's a frustrating game because the situations so drastically change at different times over the course of the week, the game, the season. It feels like brain surgery at times.
It is very important to me to maintain a consistent workout regimen during the season. The Bulls staff does a great job with providing me with a weekly workout, and these kept me energized throughout my rookie season. In the off season, I try to increase my strength and add new dimensions to my game.
You try to say every week that you're facing a faceless opponent. No matter who it is, you want to have the same mindset, no matter what type of game it is - first game of the season, last game of the season.
I think you try to improve every season and every game and be prepared about certain defensemen you're playing against, certain ways to find open ice.
I don't like to look too far ahead normally, I see it season-by-season or game-by-game.
So many times in today's society, we can put football No. 1. And I've done it in my life at certain times. You put football number one, this game is more important than anything else. Well, really, it's not. It's just a game.
There's times, in certain songs, that I might be in my own world, and who cares about who's out there, you know? You have a job to do, so you do that job of singing that song or telling that story because that's what you're doing.
I always feel like, whatever job I direct, whether it be a movie or whole season of 'The Game,' I just fall in love with it.
Baseball's best teams lose about sixty-five times a season. It is not a game you can play with your teeth clenched.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.
No one respects the umpire's job more than I do; but, if I were a manager, I would probably be ejected three or four times a season fighting for my team.
If it's a card game, or it's a preseason game, or it's a regular season game, I just go out there to try to win. For me, that's all I know how to do it and I'll never change that.
People buy a game because they like the game and they want to play the game. And there are certain characters in games that people like, obviously. I don't know if a certain character's voice or lack of a certain character's voice can cause somebody to buy or not buy a game.
We played 63 games in the treble-winning season of 1999, and I cannot remember feeling tired once. We won the league title with the last game of the season, and along the way, we knew that in any game we could miss out on this chance of a lifetime to win all three. We had 22 players who were ready to be called on at any moment.
I'm a director. My job is to think how I want to present it. If I want to say [lines] eight times or 10 times, a hundred, it's my choice. I have a certain vision. If you don't have the vision, you don't have the story, you can't be interviewed.
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