A Quote by Grace Paley

If you're old and you're healthy and you're active - I don't mean you have to be politically active - if you remain interested in other people and the world, then you live as well as your health will allow.
Being fit and healthy is all about staying active and, when I say active, I mean in every stage of life.
Men should stay active and healthy, and even when they aren't active, active wear is so comfortable.
I'm passionate about health, nutrition, fitness, and inspiring people to live a healthy and active lifestyle.
I'm going to stay active as long as I can politically, and with the Carter Center primarily, and if I'm able mentally and physically, will continue to be quite active.
The greatest tragedy of old age is the tendency for the old to feel unneeded, unwanted, and of no use to anyone; the secret of happiness in the declining years is to remain interested in life, as active as possible, useful to others, busy, and forward looking.
I've arranged with my executor to be buried in Chicago. Because when I die, I want to still remain active politically.
Asanas keep your body, as well as your mind, healthy and active
I'm not saying that people on welfare don't contribute in their own way, but as many as possible should be encouraged to be economically active as well as socially and culturally active.
To keep children healty, it's important to keep them active. Of course you can control what goes into their mouths, but it's also about putting the active back into family activity. Go outside with them, live in the moment and encourage them. That'll help you find fulfillment in your life as well.
What is this much repeated phrase 'active citizen' supposed to mean? The active citizens are the ones who took the Bastille.
It's a common myth that athletes and other highly active people need the protein from meat and dairy to fuel their activities and build and repair muscles and other bodily tissues. In fact, there is growing evidence that consumption of too much protein can lead to very serious health issues, including kidney disease, osteoporosis, and cancer. The active body can get all the protein it needs from a diverse, 100% plant-based diet.
Food-wise I tend to eat pretty much what I want when I am remaining active so there are no secrets on that front, stay active and eat well and you will see results.
The active Trump supporter is the Trumpster who can tell you exactly why. And if you tell the active Trump supporter that you don't, he will try to convince you to change your mind. That's an active Trump voter or supporter.
My grandmother was also an active member of the tenants association and a staunch supporter of the Democratic Party, and both of my parents were extremely liberal, so I think I grew up in a household that was very politically conscious - we all watched the elections on TV, and we watched the debates. So it was an awareness that we were raised with, and as we grew into young adults, we just naturally became politically active. It was just understood that it was important, that it was our responsibility.
My dad was always super-active and got me in the gym at a young age. He wanted me to be health-conscious. 'Healthy body, healthy mind'; that's what he preached to me.
With your talents and industry, with science, and that steadfast honesty which eternally pursues right, regardless of consequences, you may promise yourself every thing-but health, without which there is no happiness. An attention to health then should take place of evey other object. The time necessary to secure this by active exercises, should be devoted to it in preference to every other pursuit.
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