A Quote by Grant Cardone

Have goals so big your problems pale in comparison. — © Grant Cardone
Have goals so big your problems pale in comparison.

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The goals and successes of my professional life pale in comparison to my personal goals of an eternal family, receiving exaltation and being with the Savior again.
Your problems pale in comparison with those of the millions of people in the world who do not have enough to eat.
Always remember, the goals that we have achieved pale in comparison to the daily commitments it took to get there.
Widespread use of online voting will create the potential for abuse that will make the problems inherent in e-voting pale in comparison.
There are a lot of problems in the world, a lot of tragic things that have to be addressed, economic, medical, political, all kinds of things, but, to my way of thinking, they pale in comparison to the overall problem of the environmental deadline.
You have to remember that no matter how big your goals or how many you have, there are going to be times when you miss by a little bit. You have to be realistic and flexible. One reason I have so many smaller goals is that even if my big goals don't happen, I've still achieved so much along the way, I don't feel the loss.
Make certain that your goals are not measured in comparison with others.
Believe Big. The size of your success is determined by the size of your belief. Think little goals and expect little achievements. Think big goals and win big success. Remember this, too! Big ideas and big plans are often easier -certainly no more difficult - than small ideas and small plans.
You have to set big goals for yourself. And you have to put aside all the negativity in your life that tells you that if you came from a certain education or a certain family background that you can't achieve big goals. That's one of the things that America has.
I'm big on setting goals, but I also think that if you have too many lofty ambitions and set goals for everything, you can sabotage your efforts by overextending your brain.
I've never competed in powerlifting. But my goals weren't to be a powerlifter. My goals were to pack on size and get big, big, big.
The challenges I face in the studio pale in comparison to when I'm out in nature.
You have your goals. They may be small goals or they may be large goals. As you strive to achieve your goals, sometimes your conditions change and your goals will change as well.
We are going to see a burst of creativity that will make the Renaissance pale in comparison.
The worst excesses of the Congress of the 1980s pale in comparison with what is going on in Washington today.
Write your goals down in detail and read your list of goals every day. Some goals may entail a list of shorter goals. Losing a lot of weight, for example, should include mini-goals, such as 10-pound milestones. This will keep your subconscious mind focused on what you want step by step.
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