A Quote by Greg Gianforte

We need to protect people with pre-existing conditions, and we need to make sure that we have a safety net for people that can't take care of themselves. — © Greg Gianforte
We need to protect people with pre-existing conditions, and we need to make sure that we have a safety net for people that can't take care of themselves.
We need to make sure pre-existing conditions are taken care of, but propping up Obamacare, a failing system, is not the way to do it.
You know, there are people making a lot of money in this country who can actually afford their own health care. We are in a situation where we got a safety net in place in this country for people who frankly don't need one. We got to focus on making sure we got a safety net for those who actually need it.
The Democratic plan in the 'Affordable Care Act' has, I would say, more government support, more government regulation around trying to protect the finances of individuals, trying to protect people who had pre-existing conditions, making sure that they could actually be in an insurance market and not set off to the side.
President Trump has said he will not sign a bill which does not protect those with pre-existing conditions. I'm a physician who worked in a public hospital for 25 years caring for those with pre-existing conditions.
People out there with pre-existing conditions, they are worried. Are they going to have the guarantee of coverage if they have a pre-existing condition or if they live in a state where the governor decides that's not a part of the health care, or that the prices are going to go up? That's the worry.
We don't need to do anything new. We simply need to protect Social Security so that when people reach a certain age and are no longer earning an income, they have a safety net through which they are not going to fall.
I know how critical it is to make sure that people with pre-existing conditions have affordable insurance, and states are able to do that.
Attorney General Becerra was the leading force behind the lawsuit to protect the Affordable Care Act. Yes, he had the audacity to maintain protections for people with pre-existing conditions and for those suffering from mental illness.
It's not good for people to have the safety net too low... People can take care of themselves better than we allow them to.
While Senator Collins continues to put the Affordable Care Act - and protections for Mainers with pre-existing conditions - at risk, I've fought to protect and expand access to health care here in Maine.
What we need is my healthcare plan that makes premiums more affordable, lowers prescription drug costs, will help save our rural hospitals, and also, I do protect folks with pre-existing conditions.
Under Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson, more people will have coverage, and we protect those with pre-existing conditions.
We must protect those with pre-existing conditions and ensure that every American family has access to quality, affordable health care.
If people want to keep their kid on their insurance at 26, fine. We've got to make sure no American gets turned back for pre-existing conditions, that's fine.
There will always be people with disabilities. And by my estimation, the scorecard for the way we take care of those who need our help the most, those at the very bottom of that safety net, is pretty dismal. And that has to change.
For all the banging from the Left that, you know, 'They don't care about people with pre-existing conditions' - There was never a day where our conference was willing to leave people out in the cold.
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