Anyone who knows me, knows I don't walk away from a commitment, but I had a commitment to myself. Yes, there were times Nickelodeon made it more difficult than it needed to be, but there were also times they made it easier.
None of my friends, or anyone I know, told me not to jump with Whisper. Anyone who knows me knows that I would never put my dog in harm's way.
Anyone who knows me knows how sharp my mind is. I speak at a thousand miles an hour. I'll hold a discussion or a debate with anyone.
It's not like I'm taking 20 grand from the shows. I mean there's no record label, so this is a genuine thing. And I think most people can see that. I think that anyone who knows me, knows I do things with integrity.
I would say, anyone who knows me says they don't envy my life. I've just been through very hard times, yes.
Anyone who knows me, and most of my fans, know that I have a sense of humor.
But anyone who has been that young knows that the great grief of love is that your body feels the most when it knows the least.
In times such as these, people should recognize that evil knows no borders, knows no limits and knows no compassion. Those around the globe that value freedom must continue to persevere even in the darkest of times.
It never occurred to me that I needed to say that I was gay. I simply am. Anyone who knows me or who's been around me ten minutes knows it too.
Anyone who knows me will say I'm the most normal bloke you'll ever meet.
Anyone who knows me or my past knows that I never walk away from a fight.
Anyone who knows me knows I'm a strong advocate for diversity across all dimensions.
I can tell you that anyone who knows me knows that there is not a racial bone in my body.
Anyone who knows me knows that I always like to keep moving.
Anyone that knows me knows I love to joke around and have fun.
Anyone who knows me knows that I am a very positive person.