A Quote by Groucho Marx

The foods that are recommended today are as palatable as a steady diet of wet blotters. — © Groucho Marx
The foods that are recommended today are as palatable as a steady diet of wet blotters.
I think a strict vegetarian diet acts as a good cleansing program for people who come from a diet heavy in animal foods and processed foods. But for some people, when it goes on too long it seems to backfire.
We believe in the Three Rs - reducing the consumption of meat and other animal-based foods; refining the diet by eating products only from methods of production, transport, and slaughter that minimize pain and distress; and replacing meat and other animal-based foods in the diet with plant-based foods.
If there's foods I don't like, like kale, it doesn't mean that I'm not efficient in my diet; it just means I can eat broccoli and other green vegetables. That's what people don't understand, is that as long as you're having a variety of foods in your diet, you don't have to have the food of the week that's everyone going crazy about.
For most teenage runners, the right foods means a varied diet, decreasing the amount of fat found in the typical American diet and replacing those calories with carbohydrates. Avoid saturated fats, such as those found in fried foods, and eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
You don't want to make a steady diet of just lettuce. You don't want to make a steady diet of fried chicken.
Taking in too much added sugar from highly marketed sugary foods and drinks displaces healthier foods in the diet.
Since the gluten-free diet is not for everyone, it's recommended that you stick with a gluten-free diet for at least 3 weeks first to see if it works for you.
I'm an advocate for being full-blown vegan. That's my ideal way that I would love people to live, but the key to it is eating as little processed foods and a more whole foods-type diet as possible.
Eating a healthy diet is not just about eating a few special foods. There's a bigger picture. You need to practice moderation, eat a variety of foods, and get enough physical activity.
Sometimes what's recommended to the people is something different than what's recommended to the leaders, because I have been recommended to use hydroxychloroquine as a prophylaxis and the probability of this harming you is very low.
People feel poorly because they are nourished by foods you wouldn't feed to your dog and cat. The rich western diet is full of fat, sugar, cholesterol, salt, animal protein - all the wrong foods for people.
Anyone who's promoting the exact diet that they were in previous years probably isn't keeping up with the latest science, though in general, the balance of evidence has remained remarkably consistent - centering one's diet around whole plant foods.
Since the foods Americans consume are so calorie-rich, we have all been trying to diet by eating smaller portions of low-nutrient foods. We not only have to suffer hunger but also wind up with perverted cravings because we are nutrient-deficient to boot.
The idea behind diet confusion is, you have to keep your body off-kilter. So by changing the type of foods that you eat, the frequency of the foods that you eat, you can keep your metabolism revved up.
Diet is a big thing. I am a firm believer in you are what you eat. I juice a lot, I try and stick to a Paleo Diet. At its core, I look at MS as inflammation, so I try and eliminate foods that cause inflammation: dairy, gluten, grains.
I think we all should try and eat a good diet. It's actually a wonderful to eat a good diet, because you're eating all of these different kinds of foods... and they all taste good, and when you get used to it, you feel better!
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