A Quote by Gugu Mbatha-Raw

I try not to define myself. Other people are going to do that for you anyway. — © Gugu Mbatha-Raw
I try not to define myself. Other people are going to do that for you anyway.
I never wanted to be on any billionaires list. I never define myself by net worth. I always try to define myself by my values.
I tried to be really nice and like the things other people liked and do the things other people were supposed to do, and what you find out is that they're going to bully you anyway. And I thought, 'You know what? If I'm going to get bullied anyway, I might as well get bullied for making a difference in the world.'
So many people always try to help me carry my luggage and help me do things I can do myself. If I can do it myself, I'm going to do it myself. I'm not going to let other people do it for me, and I think that's a big part of where I came from. I'm not a real prissy girl.
I try to keep myself on an even keel by trying to be as critical of myself as I am of other people. I try to separate my performance from myself.
If I didn't define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people's fantasies for me and eaten alive.
Between pets, comedy and toys, I try to surround myself with as much fun stuff as I can. That's how I pick projects. It's about whether I'm going to enjoy myself, enjoy the other actors, and enjoy the other people that I'm working with.
I define talent as the rate at which you get better at something when you try. To be very talented means you get better faster and more easily than other people or other things that you try.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives: Be kind anyway. If you are successful you will win some false friends and true enemies: Succeed anyway. If you are honest and frank people will try to cheat you: Be honest anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight: Build anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous of you: Be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten by tomorrow: Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough: Give your best anyway.
Christ always had a passion for whatever He was doing. That's how I try to define myself as an athlete. That's the example I try to follow.
I wanted to be heard myself, which is hard in a household of people who were very showy. It forced me to find myself and define a personality and a way of being different, and that's a thing that's going to help me to survive in a world of many people playing the guitar.
My body doesn't have a lot of curves; I have small breasts, I don't have hips - so I'm not going to try to make myself something that I'm not. I'm just going to try to be the best version of myself.
What am I always going to do? I'm going to go home and freak out.I'm going to sit with my family and try not to talk about myself and what's wrong. Im going to try and eat. Then I'm going to try and sleep. I dread it. I can't eat and I can't sleep. I'm not doing well in terms of being a functional human, you know?
I have always considered myself a fast learner. I try to retain and absorb as much information and knowledge about the [music] business as I can. I don't want to just sit back and have other people do the hard work for me. I try to be involved in every process of my career as possible. I run my own social media, record, and try to vocal produce myself as much as possible, write my own songs, style myself, and learn the business side. If I didn't do acting or music, I was going to school for business. God has put me on this path and I can honestly say I wake up every day doing what I love.
My work is trying to at least define myself on my own terms, and then if other people enjoy things that's a lovely addition.
I've been trying to immerse myself in the narratives of other people. I try to not isolate myself as much. It is really hard. People that are sensitive, you just feel too porous sometimes. There's this inertia that sets in, and it's hard to get out of bed. I think knowing that other people go through it is really reassuring.
I don't define myself by my successes. I define myself by adversity and how I've persevered.
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