A Quote by Gwen Moore

Governor Scott Walker didn't know who he was messing with when he picked a fight with the hard-working union folks of Wisconsin. He must have forgotten that Wisconsin is the Badger State. And badgers are scrappy little creatures. We may look cute, warm and fuzzy, but we have a fighting spirit.
There was so much fake news in Wisconsin, that Scott Walker stuff, they had fake polls. The protests in Madison, which is where the University of Wisconsin is, perfect examples of the use of fake news, trying to make Walker - really they tried to dispirit Walker's supporters.
Scott Walker has provided some really excellent leadership in Wisconsin.
I have a proven record of working for our kids as state superintendent, and as a governor I'll deliver real results for Wisconsin families.
I knew from an online search that the Wisconsin State Historical Society, on the vast University of Wisconsin campus, held the papers of Sigrid Schultz, a spunky correspondent for the 'Chicago Tribune' who became one of Martha Dodd's friends in Berlin.
The important aspect shouldn't be whose administration it is, the important aspect should be how does the state of Wisconsin work, what can we do to move Wisconsin forward.
I'm very familiar with the importance of dairy farming in Wisconsin. I've spent the night on a dairy farm here in Wisconsin. If I'm entrusted with the presidency, you'll have someone who is very familiar with what the Wisconsin dairy industry is all about.
The single most important thing we can do today to ensure a strong, successful future for Wisconsin is invest in our kids early - because what we do now will determine what kind of state Wisconsin will be 10, 20, even 50 years from now.
It's tax day and while many Americans are filing their taxes with a groan, taxpayers in the Badger State have reason to cheer. In Wisconsin, we have enacted more than $2 billion in tax cuts, giving our citizens much-needed relief, call us crazy Midwesterners but we think you know how to spend your money better than the government.
I just love Wisconsin. I'm a fourth-generation Wisconsinite,and my great grandparents were farmers. My grandfather delivered the mail. My mom was the first in her family to go to college. My dad started this business that becomes an international success. And I just believe very strongly in Wisconsin and who we are and the potential that this state has. And I'm really concerned about the direction that we're headed.
Other than motherhood, the eight years that I spent at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, I have incredibly fond memories of. It's a beautiful place, with four seasons up in Wisconsin. And really wonderful people.
In fact, in the early days of the Republican primary, I was pointing to Governor [Scott ] Walker as the one guy who was demonstrating he knew how to fight back against the radical left and win! And he's tough, and he didn't shrink from it.
Hard-working families in Wisconsin deserve a tax cut. But you also deserve for it to be done responsibly and to make sure we know how we're going to pay for it in the future.
While our corporatists burn incense at the shrine of the global economy, Trump went to visit the working-class casualties. And those forgotten Americans in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin responded.
Don't badger people without children into admitting the secret desire for children you're sure they have to you! Don't badger anyone! Leave the badgering to the badgers.
Life sort of shrinks and you get older, I don't know if I'm going to have time to do all the things and be all the places as I want to be. Wisconsin's really sacred for me, so no matter what happens, where I end up permanently living, I'll be spending weeks and weeks at least of the year, no matter how many years I live, in the northwestern Wisconsin area.
I'm pleased to have the support of working men and women throughout the state of Wisconsin. And I found in the primary I did. Now the key is to get that turnout activated. And we know we can do that. Again, the temperature here is very, very high on both sides of the aisle.
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