A Quote by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Find a job you like and you add five days to every week. — © H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Find a job you like and you add five days to every week.
When you do a show five days a week and one night a week, the way I was doing, you use up so much music every day that pretty soon you find yourself hustling for material.
I'm not doing a 9 to 5 job, so every week is different; one week I might be at home for three or four days, and another week it'll be busier. That's the beauty of my job.
I play golf five days a week. I find that if I play seven days a week, I get stale.
No matter what the weather was, I would practice for five hours every morning and evening, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty-five days a year. It was this disciplined routine that moulded me into the athlete I became.
They held up 'The Outlaw' for five years. And Howard Hughes had me doing publicity for it every day, five days a week for five years.
All this science I don't understand, it's just my job five days a week.
Yeah, I was a local hero. It was great for me, 'cos I had a full house every night all night seven nights a week for five years that I played. The next five years I just played five days a week, but I still had a full house every night.
People always ask me, 'Why did your wife take that extra job?' What they don't know is that four out of five days a week she's going to be home having dinner with us by five o'clock.
Going to work is probably my favorite thing to do. I do that five days a week for probably ten hours a day, but it doesn't even feel like work and it shouldn't. When you enjoy a job so much like I do, it's not work, it's play.
I train six days a week for four to five hours a day. I like to keep the same schedule when I'm in camp for every fight.
You have to understand that during the course of our show, we were a family for five hours a day, five days a week, maybe four days a week. And we experienced the same things that we experienced in our own family.
I wanted to keep the music very electronic, very filmic, and give it an almost sci-fi like quality. Music is a necessity for me. I go into the studio at least five days a week, every week, so once I had the idea and the template, the process was quick and fun.
I'm not someone who can be depended one five days a week. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday? I don't even get out of bed five days in a row-I often don't remember to eat five days in a row. Reporting to a workplace, where I should need to stay for eight hours-eight big hours outside my home- was unfeasible.
The guys that I'm on the house shows with four-to-five days a week, every single week that we drive from town-to-town, that's where we came up with so many of our ideas. Where we really got to bond.
I'm on the road five days a week in a different city every day.
How can you compare my life to any other MEP? I mean, come on, it's crackers, isn't it? Look, other MEPs do five days a week in Brussels and pop home for weekends. I'm working seven bloody days a week, all the hours God sends. If you include the socialising, it's over 100 hours a week.
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