A Quote by Hakuin Ekaku

Underlying great doubt there is great satori, where there is thorough questioning there will be thoroughgoing experience of awakening. — © Hakuin Ekaku
Underlying great doubt there is great satori, where there is thorough questioning there will be thoroughgoing experience of awakening.
The most important part of the practice is for the question to remain alive and for your whole body and mind to become a question. In Zen they say that you have to ask with the pores of your skin and the marrow of your bones. A Zen saying points out: Great questioning, great awakening; little questioning, little awakening; no questioning, no awakening.
Great doubt will eventually lead to great awakening.
At the bottom of great doubt lies great awakening. If you doubt fully, you will awaken fully.
Early morning, the orange sun is slowly rising, shining forth in empty luminous clarity. The mind and the sky are one, the sun is rising in the vast space of primordial awareness, and there is just this. Yasutani Roshi once said, speaking of satori, that it was the most precious realization in the world, because all the great philosophers had tried to understand ultimate reality but had failed to do so, yet with satori or awakening all of your deepest questions are finally answered: it's just this.
Satori - in the awakening from a dream. Awakening and self-realization and seeing into one's own being - these are synonymous.
Who can attain to anything great if he does not feel in himself the force and will to inflict great pain? The ability to suffer is a small matter: in that line, weak women and even slaves often attain masterliness. But not to perish from internal distress and doubt when one inflicts great suffering and hears the cry of it that is great, that belongs to greatness.
Love is a great thing, yea, a great and thorough good. By itself it makes what is heavy light; and bears evenly all that is uneven.
If we achieve satori and the satori shows, like a bit of dogshit stuck to the top of our nose, that is not so good.
For sure working with Ferrari is a great pleasure. It's a great team, it's a great experience and it's a great dream as well to be there.
One has no right to love or hate anything if one has not acquired a thorough knowledge of its nature. Great love springs from great knowledge of the beloved object, and if you know it but little you will be able to love it only a little or not at all.
So then there was the Greek, Socrates, he was great... He invented questioning. Before Socrates, no questioning. Everyone sort of went, ''Yeah, I suppose so.
It's interesting in the recruiting process because I have recruits and parents that say, 'You're so positive about the other schools!' And I am, because I had a great experience at LSU. I had a great experience at Auburn. I had a great experience at Florida.
How is AIDS research to progress when the premise of science is questioning but the premise of questioning HIV is considered so dangerous that even venturing into the facts is too great a risk?
Not only do you need great lyrics, a great message, a great story, great vocals, great chords... you also need great instrumentation, great editing, great sonics, great mixing, and great mastering. It all comes together to make something truly great, and I think each element combines together to create a powerful impact on the consumer.
Without collective awakening the catastrophe will come. I think people in the mass media, journalists, film makers and others, you can contribute to the collective awakening if you are awake and then your life will embody that awakening.
During our dreams we do not know we are dreaming. We may even dream of interpreting a dream. Only on waking do we know it was a dream. Only after the great awakening will we realize that this is the great dream.
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