A Quote by Haley Bennett

I don't see myself as successful because I've worked on only a handful of films. The way I look at it, if you're really, really lucky, if you consistently work hard over the course of ten years, if you refuse to take no for an answer, if you surround yourself with great mentors and are a sponge, willing to learn, then you're bound for something to happen.
Having worked my a - off over here for the last 10 years really hard, really f - ing hard, to see that unfolding every Tuesday and then watching the interviews, and the Megyn Kelly ... It's just extraordinary. It's quite a horrible situation because something needs to happen to stop this thing [Donald Trump] from becoming one of the most embarrassing scenarios ever in the history of politics.
You need an immense amount of luck and an immense amount of perseverance to even be on the playing field for success on a grand scale. You work as hard as you can for ten years so you finally have a chance to be lucky - It's really rare that somebody gets lucky. It's usually a combination of a lot of talent, a lot of hard work. People that get lucky also tend to be really great looking.
Longevity is a huge factor in becoming separate from the mass of people that are just starting, or don't have any friends in the same realm, or don't really have the foundation. So it's good and bad, it's easy and it's hard. It's really what you make of it. Because if it's truly something that you really enjoy and obsess over, then waiting 10 years or waiting 30 years shouldn't be that big of a deal for you. As you get older and as you work harder, you see further down the road.
When I turned professional, what I was really aiming for was to be in the top 100, try to hold the top 100 for ten years, and just be in the show, and have a nice career. It's more than I could have ever hoped for. I worked awfully hard for it, but there are other people who worked just as hard and didn't get the breaks. I recognized that I've been lucky and being able to live this life that I wanted since a young age. I really went after it with everything that I have and somehow it worked out.
I just came home one day and, in a midlife-crisis sort of way, I told my wife, 'I'm going to run a marathon,' not really understanding what that was. Then I just kind of got into it, and now that I have been running pretty consistently over the past few years, I don't know if it's because I love it or because I hate myself. I just really enjoy it.
I work hard, so I surround myself with people that work just as hard. It's important if you want to create a successful brand. Also, the concept of being "tired" doesn't really apply to me. In fact, I don't even consider "tired" tired. If you want to succeed and be successful, you can't let it bother you.
I've got to work really hard and I know exactly what I've achieved because I know how hard I've worked, and I make sure to work as hard as I absolutely possibly can, because I know that's the only shot I have at being successful.
There's a lot of people that have great ideas and dreams and whatnot, but unless you're willing to work really, really hard, and work for what you want, it's never going to happen.
I take things very seriously, and I give myself time to come down and to ramp up, and it's an inside spiritual journey for me. I feel like acting is a way of feeling your personality, and it's really special. Special to have this kind of effect on people. You can only have that effect if you're really outside of yourself. You can't look at yourself and do what I do at the same time. I have done it that way in the past, but it doesn't really work. I can only soar within the parameters of time, and I use music analogies.
I work three months really hard, nonstop, and then I take a month off. Then I do it all over again. I work hard but I give myself four breaks a year.
You should pursue your passion. If you're passionate about something and you work hard, then I think you'll be successful. If you start a business because you think you're going to make a lot of money at it, then you probably won't be successful, because that's the wrong reason to start a business. You have to really believe in what you're doing, be passionate enough about it so that you will put in the hours and hard work that it takes to actually succeed there, and then you'll be successful.
No matter what level you're starting at, it's about not only utilizing your time, but your resources and network. For me, I started my company with a small amount of savings; I never had investors and I was lucky in the sense that I had models and connections in the fashion industry who were willing to give me advice early on. So really, for anyone starting a new business, it's really important to seek out mentors and knowledge from those who have come before you. And to not let that be discouraging, but to take that advice and really learn from it and mold it to what you're trying to do.
I've been really lucky to work with a lot of really great actors, so watching the films back, it's really important to admire the people that you were working with and see their full performance.
When I step back and look at all of these really successful people that I've worked with, one thing I do take away from it is how hard they work and how focused they are.
People that I know, the vast majority, who are successful work really, really hard. Sure, there's some people that either get lucky or inherited it or don't have to work hard for some reason, but the vast majority who are successful work really, really hard.
I'm really lucky because I surround myself onset with people who I really trust to give me feedback, so I'm directing myself.
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