A Quote by Hamid Dabashi

The visual possibility of seeing the historical person (as opposed to the eternal Qur'anic man) on screen is arguably the single most important event allowing Iranians access to modernity.
Practice the brotherhood, love, and cooperation insistently enjoined by hundreds of Qur'anic verses and traditions of the Prophet!
Buddhism, I think, is probably facing the single most difficult transition from one historical epoch to another, which is really the transition to modernity.
Eternal life is the most important thing in all the world for which you and I should work and hope someday to attain. . . . the person who attains eternal life is exceedingly rich. Seek not for riches but for wisdom. . . . . . . he that hath eternal life is rich. Eternal life is the greatest of all of the gifts of God.
My interest has always been in an architecture which reflects the modernity of our epoch as opposed to the rethinking of historical references. My work deals with what is happening now—our techniques and materials, what we are capable of doing today.
People often ask, "What is the single most important environmental population problem facing the world today?" A flip answer would be, "The single most important problem is our misguided focus on identifying the single most important problem!
It is easy to see, though it scarcely needs to be pointed out, since it is involved in the fact that Reason is set aside, that faith is not a form of knowledge; for all knowledge is either a knowledge of the eternal, excluding the temporal and historical as indifferent, or it is pure historical knowledge. No knowledge can have for its object the absurdity that the eternal is the historical.
I have ever been opposed to banks, - opposed to internal improvements by the general government, - opposed to distribution of public lands among the states, - opposed to taking the power from the hands of the people, - opposed to special monopolies, - opposed to a protective tariff, - opposed to a latitudinal construction of the constitution, - opposed to slavery agitation and disunion. This is my democracy. Point to a single act of my public career not in keeping with these principles.
Our rural communities are the heart of Maine, and we must invest in them - building our energy infrastructure, expanding access to broadband, and most importantly, making sure every single person has access to the health care they need.
The person I respect most, in terms of historical figures, is probably Nelson Mandela. I just think that his tolerance in the face of extreme provocation is something every single person on the planet could learn from.
The most important influence on a child is the character of its parents, rather than this or that single event.
The five most important words a leader can speak are - 'I am proud of you' The four most important are - 'What is your opinion?' The three most important are - 'If you please' The two most important are - 'Thank You' And the most important single word of all is - 'You'
Man shouldn't be able to see his own face. That's what's most terrible. Nature gave him the possibility of not seeing it, as well as the incapacity of not seeing his own eyes.
Modern man has lost any sense of God's nearness, but Christianity teaches that God reveals himself through every single thing he has ever brought into being, whether a created object or historical event.
I liked Bollywood a lot growing up; I just liked the idea of seeing people that looked like me on a big screen, that alone just does so much for confidence. I'm a super visual person, I need to see something before I do it.
Talent is important. But the single most important ingredient after you get the talent is internal leadership. It's not the coaches as much as one single person or people on the team who set higher standards than that team would normally set for itself. I really believe that that's been ultimately important for us.
It is public land and we will do our best to provide recreational activities. We are looking at initially allowing kayak access, wade fishing, bicycle access and walking access on some of the interior roads.
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