A Quote by Harley Pasternak

There are 168 hours in a week, and even if you're working out two, three, four, or five times a week for an hour, you're still not working out at least 95 to 98 percent of the week. So it's what you do during that time that's far more impactful than what you do in the gym.
I go to the gym three times a week and do Pilates three times a week, but not for more than an hour. It's not healthy.
I write in the mornings, two or three hours every day, and then at least four times a week I play in a duplicate game at a bridge club. I try to go to tournaments three, four, or five times a year.
As a working mom, I struggle to find time to work out and go for runs. I usually run two to three times a week and work out with a trainer once a week. I try to go for a longer run on Sundays.
I try to take two weeks off after a fight and then get back to working out four or five times a week.
You imagine running 120 miles a week, week in, week out, for the past four or five years. It takes a little bit out of you.
I maintain by going to spin four or five days a week. I love that I can get a solid butt-kicking in 40 minutes. I also strength train two or three times a week.
I was out on the shooting range twice a week [for Skyfall]. I worked out with a personal trainer for two hours a day, five days a week. So, it was quite demanding!
It is on my mind every hour of every day that I have 168 hours this week to improve my life. It is really up to me to be a good steward of this time to accomplish my goals and change my life this week.
I don't think that anyone should be working out more than 60 to 90 minutes, four to five days a week.
Instead of working out three times a week, I do something physical, like a one-hour walk everyday.
A person working 45 hours per week averages 44% more income than someone working 40 hours per week. That's 44% more income for 13% more time.
I loved 'Celebrity Fit Club,' working out six days a week, running a mile and a half three times a week, and doing 1,000 crunches and sit-ups a day with a trainer. I did too much, but I lost 78 pounds of fat and 18 inches around my waist in four months.
If you're doing an hour-long show, you're working movie hours, doing a 12-15-hour day. We work three or four hours a day, and get every third or fourth week off to give the writers time to write. It's the cushiest job in Hollywood.
How can you compare my life to any other MEP? I mean, come on, it's crackers, isn't it? Look, other MEPs do five days a week in Brussels and pop home for weekends. I'm working seven bloody days a week, all the hours God sends. If you include the socialising, it's over 100 hours a week.
I think people overplay the 'Saturday Night Live' schedule. I mean, yeah, it can be some late hours. But the late hours are usually only one or two nights out of the week. You might have a crazy six-day week, but you'll work three weeks, and then you get a week off work. I'd take most jobs if it was hard work and then I got a week off.
Well, you have your regular classes, like three hours every other day, three times a week. You get twice a week to have an ice practice. Once a week you have weight lifting. It was great.
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