A Quote by Harold Pinter

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I've written 29 damn plays. Isn't that enough? — © Harold Pinter
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I've written 29 damn plays. Isn't that enough?
I've said it before, but I'll say it again because you can't say it enough: Your skin is beautiful - dark, light, in the middle, whatever. Brown is beautiful. Your hair is beautiful. If you wear a weave, it's beautiful. If you choose to be natural, that's beautiful. Also, you are enough.
I'm sorry' I said again. Whenever someone tells you something said, it's the only thing you can think to say, even if you're already said it before.
And while I am talking to you mothers and fathers, I give you one more assurance. I have said this before, but I shall say it again and again and again: Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars.
Denys (Finch-Hatton) has been written about before and he will be written about again. If someone has not already said it, someone will say that he was a great man who never achieved greatness, and this will not only be trite, but wrong; he was a great man who never achieved arrogance.
Job 29 is about Job reflecting on his past before the calamity hit him to say this is the type of man I was. So, you want to know what God calls perfect and upright? Read Job 29, and you will understand what kind of man God esteems.
Every song falls short of the glory of what a song could be. That's why the urge is there to start again and yet again. Often it's the fault of rhyme. I've discovered a hundred times that there just aren't enough rhymes to say what I wanted to say, so I said something else instead. Sometimes it was a better thing, but the thing I meant to say went unsaid. So there's an opening for another song.
They say: sufferings are misfortunes," said Pierre. 'But if at once this minute, I was asked, would I remain what I was before I was taken prisoner, or go through it all again, I should say, for God's sake let me rather be a prisoner and erat horseflesh again. We imagine that as soon as we are torn out of our habitual path all is over, but it is only the beginning of something new and good. As long as there is life, there is happiness. There is a great deal, a great deal before us.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't need to explain my outfits.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, my lord. You are an evil man.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: I don't think music should be free.
I have said it before and I will say it again: Impeachment is off the table.
It's more than usually possible that I won't do a play again. But Skylight is one of the great plays in the English language. I was lucky enough to be a part of it at one point in its life, and it's a timely thing to deliver it again in the modern world.
I haven't written enough songs to be able to say that I have a system. I've only written a handful.
The Jews talk about "never again."... You cannot say "Never again" to God because when he puts you in the oven, you're in one indeed!... "Never again" don't mean a damn thing when God get ready for you!
I've said this before, and I'll say this again: NXT is like a rock concert, roller coaster ride.
...You have to pass an exam, and the jobs that you get are either to shine shoes, or to herd cows, or to tend pigs. Thank God, I don't want any of that! Damn it! And besides that they smack you for a reward; they call you an animal and it's not true, a little kid, etc.. Oh! Damn Damn Damn Damn Damn!
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