A Quote by Heather Donahue

I don't know anyone who ever got deferred pay. I'm the first of my friends to ever actually get a deferred paycheck. — © Heather Donahue
I don't know anyone who ever got deferred pay. I'm the first of my friends to ever actually get a deferred paycheck.
I stumbled into acting and just loved it. I deferred law school-and I'm still deferred.
I stumbled into acting and just loved it. I deferred law school - and I'm still deferred.
We all know of course, that we should never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever fiddle around in any way with electrical equipment. NEVER.
We talk about feelings. And about sex. And about bodies, and their gratification, violation, repair, decoration, deferred, maybe permanently deferred, mortality. Feelings are a bodily thing, and respecting them is called, is, kindness.
And yet shall Love himself be heard,Though long deferred, though long deferred:O'er the modern waste a dove hath whirred:Music is Love in search of a word.
Six years after I wrote the first draft of 'Plan B,' I received my first paycheck as a writer. It included both the $3,000 in deferred option money as well as half the fee for performing the initial rewrite. The amount was scale according to the Writer's Guild guidelines, but a lot, according to me.
It’s waiting that helps you as an investor, and a lot of people just can’t stand to wait. If you didn’t get the deferred-gratification gene, you’ve got to work very hard to overcome that.
It is almost always a bad idea to use a reverse mortgage to pay for a vacation or to buy a risky investment, like stocks or deferred annuities.
I deferred my third-year studies from university to go full time sailing to try and qualify for the 2012 London Olympics, which I did. I tried to go back to the university, but having won the silver medal, I just haven't been able to get back. And now I'm not sure if I ever will.
The desire to know a thing is heightened by its gratification being deferred.
Believe and trust because God is faithful! I'll leave you with this: a dream deferred is not a dream denied. For God can bless you with a dream bigger than the one you ever had for yourself. He did it for me, and He can do it for you!
Have you ever slept with a member of a race of another color? Have you ever committed culpable homicide? Have you ever bombed anything? Have you ever murdered anyone? Have you ever kidnapped anyone?
I don't want to take away deferred status from anyone who has it, but I also didn't want to send the message that it is OK to come here illegally.
What is deferred is not avoided.
What happens to a dream deferred?
Hope is a dream deferred.
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