A Quote by Helmut Jahn

When I work, I work very hard. When I don't work, I have to do something where my endeavor can totally take me off what I do professionally, like sailing. It takes all your attention.
To be recognized for your hard work is a true honor. An Academy Award nomination is one thing that, five years later, I can't form a sentence about. It has not made me feel like I can work any less hard. It makes me feel like I have to work 100 times as hard, to even be as remotely good, to work through an experience that could take me through that again.
Hard work and only hard work has paid off for me. Being a very small industry, hard work is a must. It has worked wonders for me most of the time.
The 'Motown' detour for me was almost like it wasn't work. It was more fun than work, and that's all it takes for me to not be very responsible to other things I should have been paying attention to.
I have a pretty crazy work ethic, most people around me think it's a little off the charts, like I'm always working on something. The thing is, as hard as I work at what I do, I love it so much it really never feels like work at this point in my life.
The main thing is to work hard. When you work hard, you'll be in the team. It's as simple as that. And that's what I'm going to do, put my head down, work hard, and see where it takes me.
It's very important that your work reaches people and it is marketed professionally and guarded well against piracy. For all of those reasons, I take into account the credibility of the team I work with.
Writing a book is very personal. It's a very personal relationship. A book will start with something as simple as two men talking about work. That gets the fire going. Sustaining that fire is the hard work. It takes attention and empathy to hone the characters.
Let's see... Rihanna! Work, work, work, work, work, work; OK, what? How much work does it take to move your behind, honey? I don't understand the job situation you're going through.
I'm not disciplined at all. I barely function. But I get a lot done. I take days off all the time, but when I work, I work very fast and very efficiently. But I'm always having days when I'm feeling a little anxious, and I take a day off. I work in a funny way.
As a working actor, all I want to do is work. That's it. It's terrifying when you don't work. It's very hard when you don't work. There have been times when I've been out of work for like six months. I feel theatre to me is like manna.
All the lawyers and the business stuff is work, but actually creating stuff isn't work. It's good effort. It's hard work. But, it's not work. It doesn't feel like work because the result is very rewarding.
I would say take any work you can get. Don't pass on something if it's a commercial. Take it. Work really does lead to other work. Especially if you're just starting out, work begets work.
People may laugh or whatever, but my strength is something that I have to work on. It's not something that just happens overnight, it takes dedication and hard work and it has a purpose as it helps me every week on the pitch.
You got to work hard whatever you're doing and try to be number one and take pride in what you're doing. You want to be at the best at your spot then you got to work hard, man. A lot of guys don't work as hard as it gonna take.
I think the message from me is that you can work very hard, and someday, the work will pay off.
But it's very technical and you really have to work and work and work to crack it. It's about using your whole face, jaw and tongue in a totally different way. It was very interesting - I love the English language, which made it easier.
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