A Quote by Henri Nouwen

Every time I take a step in the direction of generosity, I know I am moving from fear to love. — © Henri Nouwen
Every time I take a step in the direction of generosity, I know I am moving from fear to love.
Every time you take a step and walk with your fear, you'll never know the impact. But you can be certain somebody's watching, and that courage is contagious.
Start moving, a step at a time, step after step. The positive momentum will take you from there.
I like to step into areas where I am afraid. Fear is a sign that I am going in the right direction.
Quitting, for me, means not giving up, but moving on; changing direction not because something doesn’t agree with you, but because you don’t agree with something. It’s not a complaint, in other words, but a positive choice, and not a stop in one’s journey, but a step in a better direction. Quitting-whether a job or a habit-means taking a turn so as to be sure you’re still moving in the direction of your dreams.
I don't know every step I'm supposed to take. I think Jesus just wants me to take the next step.
It took me a long time to figure out that real big-time success comes from taking lots of small, ordinary steps in the right direction. And you can't ever take the next step until you take the first.
. . . people use tricks to get you to think the way they do or take away something you have that they want. One way they do that is to interrupt your normal way of thinking and take you by the hand and guide you down the path they want you to take. Father says they make you take a teeny-weeny step in their direction, and then they start to nudge you a little further down the path and before you know it, you're running full speed with them in a direction that you probably wouldn't have gone alone.
Generosity during life is a very different thing from generosity in the hour of death; one proceeds from genuine liberality, and benevolence; the other from pride or fear, or from the fact that you cannot take your money with you to the other world.
Every step is a first step if it's a step in the right direction.
We may be sure that it is the love of God only that can make us come out of self. If His powerful hand did not sustain us, we should not know how to take the first step in that direction.
I am grateful for all the moments that I have, and I'm moving forward one step at a time to the future.
I know that I am not entitled to anything, and when somebody thinks they are, that's a step in the wrong direction.
Every time you think a negative thought, it's one step in the wrong direction, for me.
Every time the Catholic Church takes one step forward, it seems to take one giant step back.
Have no fear of moving into the unknown. Simply step out fearlessly knowing that I am with you, therefore no harm can befall you; all is very, very well. Do this in complete faith and confidence.
Everything that's love can't be fear, and everything that's fear can't be love. You're either in one or the other. Almost every time you turn on the television set, you're in fear. You get aligned with fear. When you're aligned with fear, instead of with God-consciousness, you just keep attracting more fear-more stuff to be afraid of, more shortages, revenge, anger, wars, killing, and disease.
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