A Quote by Henry David Thoreau

I fear that I have not got much to say about Canada, not having seen much; what I got by going to Canada was a cold. — © Henry David Thoreau
I fear that I have not got much to say about Canada, not having seen much; what I got by going to Canada was a cold.
Mexico is sex and Canada is mind. There is much about Canada that I find admirable - the treatment of immigrants, for example, particularly those from Central America during the recent civil wars there. But there is confusion too: I know of Croatian Nazis who are subsidized by the Canadian government to maintain their racist culture. There is Canada, trying to sustain diversity without knowing exactly what it's doing.
I danced in a Lifetime film. We shot in Canada and I got to work with a lot of the dancers who do So You Think You Can Dance, Canada.
When we went to Canada [with Top Gear], I was staggered about how many people got in touch ... Before we finish with The Grand Tour, we'll definitely be appearing in Canada at some point. Nothing is more certain than that.
Canada was for me very much Sweden, you know? Very much open people, that they read books, they go see films. I felt at home in Canada. And also, you speak French.
The emphasis of that statement about my temptation to switch to the separatist side in Quebec was that someone who obviously loves Canada with everything he has, has been right here and fights for Canada all the time - for him to say something like that, something must be very wrong with Canada.
The Bachelor Canada' will be uniquely Canadian in and of itself because you're going to have a 100 percent Canadian cast, you're going to use Canada as a backdrop, you'll be going to all of those iconic places around Canada from coast-to-coast.
I would have to say that Canada definitely produces the best wrestlers; I don't know why. I think Canada is a big wrestling country, and there are a lot of guys who are interested in wrestling in Canada.
Canada is lacking two things. It's true. Don't make me say it again. The first is Olympic Heroes [...] The second thing that Canada is lacking is Memorial Day, which is today by the way, where we in the States celebrate our war heroes by having barbeques . And I realize here in Canada you can't have barbeques because you'd probably be attacked by a moose, or caribou, or even a grizzly.
No cowboys for Canada. Canada got Mounties instead - Dudley Do-Right, not John Wayne. It's a mind-set of "Here I come to save the day" versus "Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker.
My skating brought me to a level of being well known in Canada, but I've grown up having trained in the U.S. I haven't lost my roots in Canada thanks to the little rpminders again when I come home: People thanking me for what I do and for representing Canada in the world stage.
The fact that my parents got over to Canada is kind of amazing in and of itself. Had they not immigrated when I was a child, I probably would have never been doing what I'm doing. So, thanks, Canada!
We pay so much more for the same pill, prescription drugs than other countries. You go to Canada - people go to Canada to buy prescriptions. So we're subsidizing the world in terms of prescription drugs. It's ridiculous. And it's going to stop. The problem I have is these companies give so much - I mean the contributions are massive, just massive, the amount. But we do have - there are a lot of good people that are seeing what's going on. And I think we'll be successful in that. Next week, I'm going to declaring an emergency, national emergency on drugs.
Anybody who sides with Canada internationally in a debate between the U.S. and Canada, say, Belgium, is somebody whose opinion we shouldn't care about in the first place.
I'm married to a Canadianm so I have a lot of fond thoughts about Canada. I think about the prairies of Manitoba, where my wife is from, and I have a lot of friends and relatives on both coasts and have spent a lot time in Canada from Nova Scotia to B.C. In some ways, it's a much more sane country than the U.S.
I trained for four years in Toronto, and even before that, I was back and forth between Canada and the States during summer for training. And, since there isn't much difference between Canada and the States, I haven't felt much difference in the environment.
Thirty-five states have Canada as their largest export market. Let's say we get into a trade war with the United States - hopefully not, but let's say. Many states in the union are going to have trouble and more costs getting their stuff up to Canada. If we make the border a little thicker in terms of tariffs, and hit back, that will start to impact the states, in particular large business interests that are in Canada. And that starts to put indirect pressure on the White House.
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