A Quote by Henry Mancini

I was always trying to be a quote, unquote, film composer. — © Henry Mancini
I was always trying to be a quote, unquote, film composer.
Quote/Unquote and you can quote me on the quote/unquote.
When the government is trying to penny-pinch and, at the same time, trying to keep a defense expenditure and so forth, which are regarded as quote unquote essential, the education is regarded inessential.
I think a lot of quote-unquote 'comedic actors' really go for the laugh and are overly straining and sort of trying.
There is always something about the villains that I'm able to play, quote unquote, that isn't villainous.
I'm always interested in what we're not being shown. So if you're playing ostensibly a quote-unquote 'baddie,' what are their good sides, and vice versa.
For me, like, my goal has never been, quote, unquote, 'mainstream success.' I've just always wanted to work in entertainment.
I am capable of holding the quote-unquote 'title' of leading man. Leading man just means people want to see you and assume that you can hold a film, carry a movie.
I always wanted to be a good actress and a serious actress. I wasn't in the profession to, quote-unquote, meet the stars.
For a long time, my life has not been quote-unquote normal. And I'm OK with that, because what I'm trying to do is something that's above and beyond, that not very many people in America or the world have achieved at all. So, I don't mind that my life is so hectic and crazy.
I feel privileged that I've been able to get anywhere, with my quote-unquote limited mainstream appeal, given my race and subject matter. Of course, I always have my masters to fall back on.
I don't have an aversion to quote unquote remakes, because I understand what dramatic writing is, what the dramatic profession has always been about, which is talent, not the pretext for its exhibition.
I don't care what you call it. I believe in the quote, unquote, Holy Holocaust.
For very few people is there a time when you, quote unquote, make it.
I'm getting used to this as a coach because it's a little jealousy from a lot of these coaches around the country. I do understand that, because we are NBA players trying to come back, and we didn't have any experience as college coaches. So we didn't, quote, unquote, 'Pay our dues.'
The idea of creating a quote-unquote 'retro' world isn't all that appealing to me by itself.
I don't care what we're quote-unquote selling; we're about inspiring people through storytelling.
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