A Quote by Henry Paulson

I've never been antiregulation. I've always believed that raw, unregulated capitalism doesn't work. — © Henry Paulson
I've never been antiregulation. I've always believed that raw, unregulated capitalism doesn't work.
The U.S. is not pure capitalism. In fact, there's no place for pure capitalism, unregulated capitalism. We have a regulated system.
Capitalism is the only system that can make freedom, individuality, and the pursuit of values possible in practice. When I say 'capitalism,' I mean a pure, uncontrolled, unregulated laissez-faire capitalism - with a separation of economics, in the same way and for the same reasons as a separation of state and church.
Thievery is what unregulated capitalism is all about.
Bear in mind that capitalism is a tiny period of human society. You never really had capitalism, you always had one or another variant of state capitalism.
Why should the idea of Western liberal democracy automatically imply unregulated free-market capitalism?
Capitalism can never pursue deterritorialization to the absolute. What deterritorialization there is within capitalism is always balanced by a compensatory lockdown onto nation, culture, and race. Hence the 'Steampunk' quality of capitalism, where the most ancient traditions can co-exist with the ultramodern.
Calling bitcoin volatile - it's a non-statement. Unregulated assets with unclear regulatory landscapes are always going to be volatile. That's what unregulated assets do.
Sex work is a completely unregulated industry and to make the affront even worse, the product and the labourers are the same thing! The product is the sexuality of the actual labourers: flesh. I think in that sense, the exploitative nature of unencumbered capitalism is made even more dramatic.
We established a regime that left creativity unregulated. Now it was unregulated because copyright law only covered "printing." Copyright law did not control derivative work. And copyright law granted this protection for the limited time of 14 years.
I don't think the western world is questioning capitalism. Capitalism as a concept is not something that society has written off. But today, there is degree of caution around capitalism. We believe in compassionate capitalism. Growth for growth's sake can never be an end in itself.
I don't think that capitalism should be unbridled, if by 'unbridled' you mean unregulated.
I don't think that capitalism should be unbridled, if by "unbridled" you mean unregulated.
I just always lived in stories in my head. I believed I was a Martian princess until I was 10. I believed I was never going to die, and I'd been adopted and put on Earth because there was a war... and still sometimes, as I get older, I hope for my immortal life on Mars.
I've long believed that good food, good eating, is all about risk. Whether we're talking about unpasteurized Stilton, raw oysters or working for organized crime 'associates,' food, for me, has always been an adventure
All the evils, abuses, and iniquities, popularly ascribed to businessmen and to capitalism, were not caused by an unregulated economy or by a free market, but by government intervention into the economy.
I never believed I wouldn't make it - and perhaps that's why I've always found work. I've always stuck at everything I've ever done. I absolutely won't give up.
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