A Quote by Henry Rollins

This sounds really corny, but I am a slave to my work, a workaholic, and glad of it. I like what I do; this is my place, my little universe, one of them. — © Henry Rollins
This sounds really corny, but I am a slave to my work, a workaholic, and glad of it. I like what I do; this is my place, my little universe, one of them.
I know that sounds a little bit corny, but I've found some solace in that. I hope art can continue to do that for people, I really do.
There's generally a couple of months' gap between shows. And I am rather glad it's been that way because I am a workaholic.
As corny as it sounds, and not to sound like a hippie, I think there are these spirit forces in nature, and we have to be careful not to offend them.
You know, it sounds corny, but I believe in myself. And I work hard.
I was raised to believe that you need to leave the world a better place than how you found it, as corny as that sounds.
Film sets are a strange place, but an exciting place. I do love my work; I really enjoy going to work. But if you just spend all your time on film sets or even on stage, you can become a Michael Jackson figure, living in your own little universe.
It sounds corny to say, but we're like a family. That experience for all of us really created a bond... The 'West Side Story' experience, it really is a family. There's a closeness that has continued.
I am a workaholic. I like to work, work, work.
It sounds really corny but I think that if you're beautiful inside it shows on the outside, for sure.
There's this whole list of old personalities that I can act, as corny as that sounds, or as method actor as that sounds.
I translate Hawaii as a place where people make sure I'm having a great time, eating terrific food, without any expectation of anything in return. It's a place for people to be happy. It sounds corny, but in Hawaii, it's not; it's uncorny.
For myself, I like a universe that, includes much that is unknown and, at the same time, much that is knowable. A universe in which everything is known would be static and dull, as boring as the heaven of some weak-minded theologians. A universe that is unknowable is no fit place for a thinking being. The ideal universe for us is one very much like the universe we inhabit. And I would guess that this is not really much of a coincidence.
I am a workaholic. I am very restless, and I am always looking for good work. I don't act for the heck of it; I do it because I love it.
I think I'm a workaholic, but I'm a workaholic that is loving his work.
Actions speak louder than words, and a smile says, 'I like you. You make me happy. I am glad to see you.' That is why dogs make such a hit. They are so glad to see us that they almost jump out of their skins. So, naturally, we are glad to see them.
I really don't work a whole lot as far as touring, but I do stand-up every night of my life, no matter where I am. It's really made the touring a lot less grueling. A lot of people get to this level and they're like, Now I do four cities in one week and they tour nonstop. I'm like, No, that sounds miserable. I'll just do two weekends a month. But whenever I'm in some awful place geographically, it's no longer that awful, because you've got the Internet and television.
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