A Quote by Herman Cain

One of the things that I did before I ran for president is I was a professional speaker. Not a motivational speaker - an inspirational speaker. Motivation comes from within. You have to be inspired. That's what I do. I inspire people, I inspire the public, I inspire my staff. I inspired the organizations I took over to want to succeed.
For a season, a gifted speaker can inspire with his words, but for a lifetime John McCain has inspired with his deeds.
Inspiration is a divine element inside our life. When we are inspired, we try to climb up the Himalayas. When we are inspired, we try to swim the English Channel. When we are in spired, we go from one country to another country to inspire people and to be inspired by them. I feel that when we inspire humanity, we automatically become good citizens of the world. This is my philosophy. My weightlifting feats I have done solely to inspire humanity.
My first love is my mother. She did so much for us as children as a single parent. I watched her make a dollar out of fifteen cents. I thought she was either a magician or she had God's actual phone number. She wasn't a motivational speaker; she was an inspirational speaker.
Earl Nightingale has inspired more people toward success and fortune than any other motivational speaker on the planet.
Paul Ryan is speaker of the house and that - that is up to members of the caucus. Donald Trump is not running for a congressman from Manhattan where he would actually vote on the speaker. But I appreciate the good wishes that we're actually going to be the next president of the United States and that we'll have to work with the speaker.
I taught myself how to be a speaker on Google. I just Googled 'how to be a motivational speaker.'
We all want to inspire! As we go on our life's journey, some people inspire us and in turn, we would like to do something to inspire other people.
My motivation is not to try to inspire, but rather to do things that inspire me and hopefully that will spread to others.
You don't have to be inspired by comedians. You have to be inspired by things that are real, whether it's music, comedy...a movie - that should inspire you.
As a speaker, I can inspire people to change but as a writer I can guide people to change. That's why books are so important. As a pastor, though, I can be a part of creating the change the world so desperately needs.
After Nancy Pelosi became Speaker, we were told, 'She's the first female speaker of the House, so whether we like it or not, we've got to handle this with kid gloves. Don't go after Speaker Pelosi. You can go after other people, but you'll be branded as mean and evil if you go after the first female Speaker of the House.'
I want to inspire kids, and yeah, if that helps with expansion teams - in the MLS or anything like that - but my main goal is just to inspire. Try and inspire our youth.
Meeting with people is awesome in every sense of the word. It can inspire you with glee. It can inspire you with happiness. It can inspire you with sadness and melancholy, but also hope.
I want to inspire, and be inspired.
I'm inspired to write songs by all kinds of things. Good sex with a good man, that might inspire a song. Bad sex - that might inspire a different kind of song.
Chin held high, Miss Ohio beamed at an imagined crowd. "I want to be a motivational speaker." "What are you going to motivate people to do?" Smile still in place, she cut her eyes at Adina. "You know. Motivational ... stuff.
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