A Quote by Hesiod

Of themselves diseases come upon men continually by day and by night, bringing mischief to mortals silently; for wise Zeus took away speech from them. So is there no way to escape the will of Zeus
The air is Zeus, Zeus earth, and Zeus the heaven, Zeus all that is, and what transcends them all.
Proud is the spirit of Zeus-fostered kings - their honor comes from Zeus, and Zeus, god of council, loves them.
Zeus, first cause, prime mover; for what thing without Zeus is done among mortals?
The real story of the Fleece: there were these two children of Zeus, Cadmus and Europa, okay? They were about to get offered up as human sacrifices, when they prayed to Zeus to save them. So Zeus sent this magical flying ram with golden wool, which picked them up in Greece and carried them all the way to Colchis in Asia Minor. Well, actually it carried Cadmus. Europa fell off and died along the way, but that's not important." "It was probably important to her.
Zeus, the father of the Olympic Gods, turned mid-day into night, hiding the light of the dazzling Sun; and sore fear came upon men.
Thus have the gods spun the thread for wretched mortals: that they live in grief while they themselves are without cares; for two jars stand on the floor of Zeus of the gifts which he gives, one of evils and another of blessings.
Question (from a reader) : Will the Wise Goddess Athena overthrow Zeus and become the ruler of Olympus? Athena's answer : What an interesting idea . . . No, just kidding, Dad. Put away the lightning bolt.
Aegis-bearing Zeus has a design for each occasion, and mortals find this hard to comprehend.
Nothing can be sworn impossible since Zeus made night during mid-day, hiding the light of the shining Sun.
Wide-sounding Zeus takes away half a man's worth on the day when slavery comes upon him.
It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus.
Xavier, who looks just like Zeus, not that I have any idea what Zeus looks like.
The wise is one only. It is unwilling and willing to be called by the name of Zeus.
And Zeus will destroy this race of mortal men too, when they, at their birth, have grey hair on their temples.
When I was a kid, I took 'The Brady Bunch' and 'The Partridge Family' very seriously. It was a world to me in the same way that the Greek myths would have been had I read them. You know, Marcia is Athena and Mr. Brady is Zeus.
Come away with in the night Come away with me And I will sing you a song Come away with me on a bus Come away where they can't tempt us With there lies I want to walk with you On a cloudy day In fields where the yellow grass grows Knee-high So won't you try to come Come away with me and we'll kiss On a mountain top Come away with me And I'll never stop loving you And I want to wake up with the rain Falling on a tin roof While I'm safe there in your arms So all I ask is for you To come away with me in the night Come away with me.
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