A Quote by Hester Lynch Piozzi

Women bear Crosses better than Men do, but bear Surprizes - worse. — © Hester Lynch Piozzi
Women bear Crosses better than Men do, but bear Surprizes - worse.
I think it would be worse to get mauled by a dancing bear than just a regular bear because you can't totally blame the dancing bear.
Rich men are to bear the infirmities of the poor. Wise men are to bear the mistakes of the ignorant. Strong men are to bear with the feeble. Cultured people are to bear with the rude and vulgar. If a rough and coarse man meets an ecstatically fine man, the man that is highest up is to be the servant of the man that is lowest down.
He couldn't bear to live, but he couldn't bear to die. He couldn't bear the thought of he making love to someone else, but neither could he bear the absence of the thought. And as for the note, he couldn't bear to keep it, but he couldn't bear to destroy it either.
It's been Axelle's [Carolyn] and my burden to bear, for better or worse. A very fun burden to bear.
We're told that men are strong & brave, but I think women know how to endure, accept defeat & bear physical & mental agony much better than men.
Some of us say, "Lord knows how much I can bear". I think you can assume that you can bear more than you have a right to bear.
I really believe that women have much easier access to their souls than men do. Because as men we're taught to wear masks, to drown out our emotions in competition and making money. Now women are being forced to do that too. But I admire their capacity to bear their spirituality so much more deeply than men.
Today, American women bear an average of 2.2 children that live to adulthood. Across most of Europe, women bear even fewer young.
Seeing their children touched and seared and wounded by race prejudice is one of the heaviest crosses which colored women have to bear.
I think it's a very central tenet to it yes, it is. I can't bear it, I can't bear inequality, I can't bear bad behaviour to other people. I cannot bear it that people are mean to people who can't help what they are.
Bare," came her answer in a squeak. "Yes, we'd both have to be bare," he said with a laugh. "Not bare naked," she gasped. "Bear bear. Furry bear. Bear!" -Mortimer and Sam
I went to England to tell jokes, and I wanted to tell my Smokey the Bear joke, but I had to ask the English people if they knew who Smokey the Bear is. But they don't. In England, Smokey the Bear is not the forest-fire-prevention representative. They have Smackie the Frog. It's a lot like a bear, but it's a frog. And that's a better system, I think we should adopt it. Because bears can be mean, but frogs are always cool. Never has there been a frog hopping toward me and I thought, "Man, I better play dead!"
One of the nice things about looking at a bear is that you know it spends 100 per cent of every minute of every day being a bear. It doesn't strive to become a better bear. It doesn't go to sleep thinking, "I wasn't really a very good bear today". They are just 100 per cent bear, whereas human beings feel we're not 100 per cent human, that we're always letting ourselves down. We're constantly striving towards something, to some fulfilment
The bear is what we all wrestle with. Everybody has their bear in life. It's about conquering that bear and letting him go.
Men will bear many things from a kept mistress, which they would not bear from a wife.
'Yogi Bear' changed my life in ways that I can't explain because it's not a full feature on me. 'Yogi Bear' - there's everything before 'Yogi Bear,' and there's everything after 'Yogi Bear.' Like a major car accident, or the birth of Christ.
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