A Quote by Hippocrates

That which is used - develops. That which is not used wastes away. — © Hippocrates
That which is used - develops. That which is not used wastes away.

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There is a thing called knowledge of the world, which people do not have until they are middle-aged. It is something which cannot be taught to younger people, because it is not logical and does not obey laws which are constant. It has no rules. Only, in the long years which bring women to the middle of life, a sense of balance develops...when she is beginning to hate her used body, she suddenly finds that she can do it. She can go on living.
When I was younger, me and my brother got a video camera, and he used to direct and I used to act. We used to make these silly, stupid short films, which, looking back now, were probably horrible.
I used to draw cartoons of my teachers which used to get passed around the class and I'd always wind up getting caught which often meant detention. But they sometimes said the drawings were good!
A doctrine is something that pins you down to a given mode of conduct and dozens of situations which you cannot foresee, which is a great mistake in principle. When the word 'containment' was used in my 'X' article, it was used with relation to a certain situation then prevailing, and as a response to it.
It has been a difficult journey for me, which started where I used to live: in Virar. All credit to my dad, as he was the only one who took me everywhere. He used to take me to matches and practices, and they were all far away from my home in Virar.
I come from a class which used to be called the gentry - which is nowadays mistakenly used to include the nobility, but in fact is not. The gentry was essentially the untitled landowning class.
Semiotics is in principle the discipline studying everything which can be used in order to lie. If something cannot be used to tell a lie, conversely it cannot be used to tell the truth: it cannot in fact be used "to tell" at all.
The muscles that are used in Ballet Beautiful are similar to those used in classic ballet. They're also muscles that don't get used very often, which is why it burns so much.
The type of measure used placed constraints on which statistics can be used.
I'm trying to go with the flow, which is not what I used to do. I used to try to micromanage my career choices.
I said I want to get outside the box, but what can I change? I don't want my cookies to reek of ammonia, so we used baking soda instead of lye. We added ground almonds, which is expensive. We used butter, which is expensive. And we didn't want any food coloring.
My aunt in Knoxville would bring newspapers up, which we used for toilet paper. Before we used it, we'd look at the pictures.
I used to write stories a lot because you had to fill your hours some other way than watching television. So my imagination was vivid, and I used to write a lot of stories. I wrote a novel, which I still have, which is so awful.
Staying busy keeps me away from being bored, which used to be a lot of my problem.
As we were all growing up, there used to be a very big mantra in India which was called 'export or perish.' There was a long period when we used to focus on import substitution.
We used to watch a lot of EuroLeague and ACB, which are the two leagues back home in Spain. And we used to dream about playing for those teams one day.
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