A Quote by Holliday Grainger

As much as I'd love to be a successful actor, the thought of being recognised in the street is petrifying. — © Holliday Grainger
As much as I'd love to be a successful actor, the thought of being recognised in the street is petrifying.
As much as Id love to be a successful actor, the thought of being recognised in the street is petrifying.
What matters is performances, regardless of what the name is, whether it's The Rock - which is my nickname and people call me that all the time - it's no big deal. So, whether it's The Rock or Dwayne Johnson, in terms of being recognised I just think that the goal is to be recognised as a good actor. I don't put much thought or weight into the name, or the name change, or what it is, or what does it mean? It's just a nickname.
I'd gone from being a normal HR worker from Hull to being recognised in the street, being on TV. As much as it was exciting, thrilling, and a big, huge adrenaline rush.
The one piece of advice I would give to any actor is, if you want to go out on the street without being recognised, without even being looked at, go out with a 6ft 8in beautiful transsexual. No one gives you a second glance. Especially when you're 5ft 5in.
I hate complaining about paparazzi, I hate complaining about being recognised, because if I ultimately didn't want to be an actor or in the public eye, I would quit doing what I do. That's not the reason I do it, but I love the work so much that it's worth it.
I don't get recognised that much in the street.
Being in 'The Crown' and being recognised in the street is weird for me.
Being recognised on the street in New York is pretty surreal.
I think that the more success you have as an actor, I think, the greatest advantage of being successful as an actor or being in this business is that you have the chance to pick and choose, or you have people coming to you with a much more different variety of roles.
I quite like being mobbed. After all, it is extremely nice to be recognised. That's what acting is all about - being recognised.
I seem to be able to go from part to part without being recognised, which I like. When I was little, I resented it with every fibre of my being when Ma was recognised. Another way of looking at celebrity, though, is it's being famous for being brilliant at something.
I've been an actor since I was 18. So that's my proper job. But I was not a very successful actor, if you consider being able to afford your rent successful. I did lots of old people's tours; reminiscence tours.
I now get recognised in the street, which is strange, but I don't go out as much as I used to. It's not a downside; I just have to be a bit more private.
It's weird to be recognised anywhere. The cost of living your dream, acting, is being recognised.
I learned so much about being an actor by being a director. More than I ever thought I would.
My looks aren't something that come dazzlingly through in everything I do. I can be made to look one way or the other fairly easily... I am still not recognised on the street that much.
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