A Quote by Holly Near

The greatest warriors are the ones who fight for peace. — © Holly Near
The greatest warriors are the ones who fight for peace.
... peace is a militant thing ... any peace movement must have behind it a higher passion than the desire for war. No one can be a pacifist without being ready to fight for peace and die for peace.
Perhaps peace is not, after all, something you work for, or 'fight for.' It is indeed 'fighting for peace' that starts all the wars. What, after all, are the pretexts of all these Cold War crises, but 'fighting for peace?' Peace is something you have or do not have. If you are yourself at peace, then there is at least some peace in the world. Then share your peace with everyone, and everyone will be at peace.
Our armed forces will fight for peace in Iraq, a peace built on more secure foundations than are found today in the Middle East. Even more important, they will fight for two human conditions of even greater value than peace: liberty and justice.
Some must be warriors, that others may live in peace.
We fight wars not to have peace, but to have a peace worth having. Slavery is peace. Tyranny is peace. For that matter, genocide is peace when you get right down to it. The historical consequences of a philosophy predicated on the notion of no war at any cost are families flying to the Super Bowl accompanied by three or four trusted slaves and a Europe devoid of a single living Jew.
Everybody wants to see two warriors have a good fight.
You told me it was a mistake to fight the scarred warriors. They were the survivors.
The example of America must be the example not merely of peace because it will not fight, but of peace because peace is the healing and elevating influence of the world, and strife is not. There is such a thing as a man being too proud to fight. There is such a thing as a nation being so right that it does not need to convince others by force that it is right.
Jedi do not fight for peace. That's only a slogan, and is as misleading as slogans always are. Jedi fight for civilization, because only civilization creates peace. We fight for justice because justice is the fundamental bedrock of civilization: an unjust civilization is built upon sand. It does not long survive a storm.
Warriors make wars, but it is also true that, in what has so far been an endless reproductive cycle, war makes warriors.
Warriors! and where are warriors found, If not on martial Britain's ground? And who, when waked with note of fire, Love more than they the British lyre?
Peace is precious to us. It is the way of life we strive for with all the strength and wisdom we possess. But more precious than peace are freedom and justice. We will fight, if fight we must, to keep our freedom and to prevent justice from being destroyed.
The Romans thought of themselves as the chosen people, yet they built the greatest army on Earth by recruiting warriors from any background.
Peace is not something you fight for With bombs and missiles that kill, Nor can it be won in a "battle of words" One fashions by scheming and skill For those who are greedy and warlike, Whose avarice for power cannot cease, Can never contribute in helping To bring this world nearer to peace For in seeking peace for all people There is only one place to begin And that is in each home and heart- For the fortress of peace is within!
Until the day comes when the senseless killing ends, we will all have to fight like wildlife warriors to protect our precious planet.
At the end of the day, Wonder Woman is a peace seeker. But when fight arrives, she can fight. She's a warrior, and she enjoys the adrenaline of the fight.
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