A Quote by Hope Powell

There are lots of positives to come out of playing all sports, not just football. Team games can offer you different life skills than an individual sport can. Football improves your time management - you have to be places on time and disciplined in terms of training.
I think you can learn lots of skills playing football. Team building is one. You also learn how to solve problems within your team. Sometimes you find yourself playing with players that you don't necessarily like, but you have to put your differences aside for the good of the team. It gives you skills that you may not appreciate at the time.
My time off is usually spent working out and getting better at football. When I come home and spend time with my little brother, we're out on the football field. We're working out or playing Madden. We're spending time with each other, but our quality time is football.
When you're young it's football, football, football. Then you get a family, kids come into things and you find you have a broader view of life. You get your inspiration from many different places.
The best thing about football for me is the reacting. It's a lot of instincts. But training, for me, it's more for the meditating. And I spend more time training than actually playing football. So I get into that zone during training more than anything.
By the time I was 10 years old, my entire life was football. Training, reading, watching, even playing football on PlayStation. I was totally focused on it. I especially loved the creative players - the maestros.
there's a lot of dangerous sports. You know, my opinion, football is the most dangerous sport there is. After that I'll give it to probably boxing. Then there's some other extreme sports out there, motocross where you're really risking your neck every time you go out there and do it.
Play more than one sport in high school. If you play, say, football and basketball, you can learn to be physical and you can take those physical aspects of both sports and become better in both sports. Basketball players use some of the same skills football players do and vice versa.
Football is a team sport and not an individual sport. We win as a team, and every individual is better if we are part of the team.
I guess my earliest football memories are of playing in the street and also the little pitches at school. I joined the local football team in my village when I was small, but we would play only once or twice a week. I honed my skills just by playing for fun with friends after school.
In international football you have 10 games a season, with players from different clubs. There's no time for proper coaching; they're just recovering from playing on the Saturday.
I'm not as anti-sports as I've led people to believe - I've been to a Giants game. I've been to Giants Stadium and I've watched games. I've watched lots of them, you know? I don't really pretend to know what's going on, but I've been immersed in the excitement of watching sports, particularly football. I like baseball, probably more than football.
I've played so many games of football now, and even though it is at a higher level, at the end of the day, football is football. You are just playing with better players.
Fantasy football is actually an amazing American pastime, because it takes the ultimate team sport, NFL and football, and turns it into the quest for individual achievement.
Of course money takes that worry out of your life and enables you to provide for your family - but if it was playing professional football for free or choose another living, then I would choose football every time.
I played for Middlesbrough's youth team. At the age of 16, I went into a shed at the training ground and was told that they weren't signing me on, so that was the end of that dream. Football was my life. I played football when I got to school, football every break and football as soon as I got home.
I think before the kids, this was different - when I came home it was football, football, football all the time, every day. Now I have another balance in my life.
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