A Quote by Horace

He is praised by some, blamed by others. — © Horace
He is praised by some, blamed by others.

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What we do is never understood, but always merely praised or blamed.
Those who blamed aggression formed Amity.’… ‘Those who blamed ignorance became the Erudite.’… ‘Those who blamed duplicity created Candor.’… ‘Those who blamed selfishness made Abnegation.’… ‘And those who blamed cowardice were the Dauntless.
My loneliness was born when men praised my talkative faults and blamed my silent virtues.
We are praised or blamed, as the one or the other may be expedient, for displaying to advantage our power of discernment.
Consider how great is the encouragement which all the world gives to the lover; neither is he supposed to be doing anything dishonourable; but if he succeeds he is praised, and if he fail he is blamed.
And truly it is a very natural and ordinary thing to desire to acquire, and always, when men do it who can, they will be praised or not blamed; but when they cannot, and wish to do it anyway, here lies the error and the blame.
One thing scientists have discovered is that often-praised children become more intelligent than often-blamed ones. There's a creative element in praise.
One grows accustomed to being praised, or being blamed, or being advised, but it is unusual to be understood.
My kids are around pit bulls every day. In the ’70s they blamed Dobermans, in the ’80s they blamed German Shepherds, in the ’90s they blamed the Rottweiler. Now they blame the Pit Bull.
The Victorians have been immoderately praised, and immoderately blamed, and surely it is time we formed some reasonable picture of them? There was their courageous, intellectually adventurous side, their greedy and inhuman side, their superbly poetic side, their morally pretentious side, their tea and buttered toast side, and their champagne and Skittles side. Much like ourselves, in fact, though rather dirtier.
Those who speak much are blamed, those who speak little are blamed. In this world there are none who are not blamed. Try not to blame.
Some people have food, but no appetite; others have an appetite, but no food. I have both. The Lord be praised.
I do not know whether anyone has ever succeeded in not enjoying praise. And, if we enjoy it, we naturally wants to receive it. And if we want to receive it, we cannot help but being distraught at losing it. Those who are in love with applause have their spirits starved not only when they are blamed off-hand, but even when they fail to be constantly praised.
The weatherman is not only blamed for his failure to foretell, he is blamed for the weather itself.
I mean science was blamed for all the horrors of World War I, just as it's blamed today for nuclear weapons and quite rightly.
Every person has the power to make others happy. Some do it simply by entering a room others by leaving the room. Some individuals leave trails of gloom; others, trails of joy. Some leave trails of hate and bitterness; others, trails of love and harmony. Some leave trails of cynicism and pessimism; others trails of faith and optimism. Some leave trails of criticism and resignation; others trails of gratitude and hope. What kind of trails do you leave?
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