A Quote by Horace

Captive Greece took captive her savage conqueror. — © Horace
Captive Greece took captive her savage conqueror.

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The resurrection power of Jesus broke Satan's captive power. When He led the Old Testament saints from paradise to heaven, He led captivity captive!
Anything you strive to hold captive will hold you captive, and if you desire freedom you must give freedom.
What good's a captive without her captor?
It was ironic; he held her captive, yet she’d captivated him.
We took a fair bit of liberty with the story, but the basic premise of the film ["Selling Isobel" ] - a girl is kidnapped on the streets of a city and held captive for three days and two nights while various men show up and exploit her - is the exact truth.
The image cannot be dispossessed of a primordial freshness, which idea can never claim. An idea is derivative and tamed. The imageis in the natural or wild state, and it has to be discovered there, not put there, obeying its own law and none of ours. We think we can lay hold of image and take it captive, but the docile captive is not the real image but only the idea, which is the image with its character beaten out of it.
There is no excuse for keeping wild animals in amusement parks or circuses. Until our governments take action, we should avoid supporting places where captive wild animals perform for our amusement. If the public will not pay to see them, the businesses that profit from keeping animals captive will not be able to continue.
Glory drags all men along, low as well as high, bound captive at the wheels of her glittering car.
In cinema, you have a captive audience, but to grab the attention of a housewife, who is in the middle of her household work and to keep them gripped to you, is a huge challenge.
Religion has treated knowledge sometimes as an enemy, sometimes as a hostage; often as a captive and more often as a child; but knowledge has become of age, and religion must either renounce her acquaintance, or introduce her as a companion and respect her as a friend.
It is indeed a misfortune for a woman to be without beauty, as with men the eye is the chief arbiter of qualities in the sex. Her beauty is her capital--her worth in the market matrimonial depends upon it. With her the Virtues are less reverenced when unaccompanied by the Graces. The sex understand this very well; and hence they seek mainly to make captive the eye, knowing the mind and heart will follow as a matter of course.
. . . for beauty stands In the admiration only of weak minds Led captive. Cease to admire, and all her plumes Fall flat and shrink into a trivial toy, At every sudden slighting quite abash'd.
Mind is a captive of the body.
Emotions are captive to reality
I've become a captive of my own ambitions.
You are eternity's hostage A captive of mine.
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