A Quote by Horace

Whenever monarchs err, the people are punished.
[Lat., Quidquid delirant reges, plectuntur Achivi.] — © Horace
Whenever monarchs err, the people are punished. [Lat., Quidquid delirant reges, plectuntur Achivi.]

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Who gives to friends so much from Fate secures, That is the only wealth for ever yours. [Lat., Extra fortunam est, quidquid donatur amicis; Quas dederis, selas semper habebis opes.]
When men of talents are punished, authority is strengthened. [Lat., Punitis ingeniis, gliscit auctoritas.]
Fiction writers tend to err either making people more than they are or less than they are. I'd rather err on the side of the former.
I will be merciful, and I will believe in people. If I am to err, I will err on the side of mercy. I will give people the benefit of the doubt. I will bend, but not break, in order to give people the opportunity to grow and develop.
I don't believe that you should punish the people of Iraq because you don't like their leader. Saddam Hussein is not being punished. He's fat, and he is eating enough food and living in palaces. But his people are punished by denying them food and medicine.
If one is going to err, one should err on the side of liberty and freedom.
To err is human also in so far as animals seldom or never err, or at least only the cleverest of them do so.
As a lawyer, as a private citizen, you see a lot of injustice. You see a lot of people who should have been punished and are not, and people who were punished wrongfully are not vindicated. Fiction is sort of a way to set the record straight, and let people at least believe that justice can be achieved and the right outcomes can occur.
Even when you err, it is a thousand times better to err out of conviction than to hide your true opinion to respect some authority.
If you are going to err, err on the side of mercy.
Experience does not err. Only your judgments err by expecting from her what is not in her power.
We do not err because truth is difficult to see. It is visible at a glance. We err because this is more comfortable.
As somebody once said, we're not punished for our sins, we're punished by them.
Selfishness, when it is punished by the world, is mostly punished because it is connected with egotism.
It seems to me that it was well said by Madama Serenissima, and insisted on by your reverence, that the Holy Scripture cannot err, and that the decrees therein contained are absolutely true and inviolable. But I should have in your place added that, though Scripture cannot err, its expounders and interpreters are liable to err in many ways; and one error in particular would be most grave and most frequent, if we always stopped short at the literal signification of the words.
If I err in belief that the souls of men are immortal, I gladly err, nor do I wish this error which gives me pleasure to be wrested from me while I live.
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