A Quote by Hornswoggle

I don't watch my stuff. — © Hornswoggle
I don't watch my stuff.

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I think Desperate Housewives is a pretty good show, I watch it, I like it and I don't love reality tv that much. I do watch some, I've got three daughters so we'll watch the good stuff, the fun stuff.
What gets made that's considered for men - it's really just T&A stuff. It's not stuff than any guy I know really wants to watch, you know, the stuff with jiggling boobs and all that. Something with real sort of male themes and male strength and things I want to watch in a drama.
I'm a golf junkie. I watch every tournament pretty much. I watch interviews. I watch warm-up routines. All that stuff.
I have three kids. Now they're all grown up, but when they were little, every time I would start a new project, they would say, 'So dad, are you making a movie we can watch or one we cannot watch?' That's the kind of stuff they would ask. People around me - family and friends - usually know when to watch and when not to watch.
I mean, I'm twenty years in the business, I still watch tapes. I still watch matches on Youtube. I'm trying to learn. I watch my old stuff to see what I used to do that worked, that didn't work. You never stop learning.
It's hard to describe to people how terrible it was when you could only watch cartoons at a certain time in your life. But no, I would watch all of them - the Warner Bros. cartoons and the Bugs Bunnys and then the Tex Avery stuff. Looking back on it, they were so incredibly subversive for their time. You'd think, "Oh, they're just making jokes and this or that." But when you watch them as an adult, you think, "Oh no, they were talking about some pretty deep stuff."
I don't watch 'American Idol.' I don't watch any of that stuff.
If people are given quality stuff to watch, they'll watch it.
For me personally, when I was a kid, that's like the stuff I wanted to watch - all the R-rated stuff.
I definitely talk about stuff I watch, but it's longer-form stuff.
I'm not much of a horror fan. When it comes to ghost stuff and demon stuff, I can't watch that.
As a parent, you're struggling to find stuff that you think is suitable for the kids, but also stuff that you'd like to watch with them.
It is better to watch people do stuff than to do stuff.
I started finding humor in everything. I used to watch a lot of TV, and I finally figured I didn't need to watch TV to find funny stuff. I just watch the commercials. I mean, the commercials just blew my mind.
National Geographic has awesome stuff. I like Court TV. Sometimes I'll watch Reality Mix because they have some interesting stuff on that.
I don't really watch much TV. I watch old movies and stuff like that, so I'm not up to date. My favorite vampire movie would definitely have to be the one with Gary Oldman [Dracula].
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