A Quote by Hornswoggle

I just think I got lucky. Every step of the way, I've gotten lucky with everything I've gotten to do and be a part of. — © Hornswoggle
I just think I got lucky. Every step of the way, I've gotten lucky with everything I've gotten to do and be a part of.
I guess I'm lucky to have been blindsided. I'm lucky to have gotten into fistfights, in a way. I'm lucky I learned how to stop them.
I'm lucky to just be a working actor. There are so many great actors out there and I'm just lucky to have gotten work.
Well, I've been lucky. I've never gotten a voice polyp. I've never gotten nodes. But I do get sick, usually every tour, and to varying degrees. Sometimes it's a sinusitis.
I've found all of my apartments on Craigslist. I've got good Craigslist luck. I just sit on my couch and really focus on it, and I've gotten really lucky that way.
I feel so lucky that I have gotten to do what I have gotten to do.
I feel like I've gotten so lucky and gotten to do such cool things with such cool folks. It's really great. You definitely want that momentum to keep going, for sure.
I've gotten incredibly lucky with the people I've gotten to work with. It's made my mind better, and it's made me a better person.
All the times I've been lucky enough to be a part of a show that's actually gotten on the air, it's always that same mixture of excitement and utter fear.
I alternate between feeling incredibly lucky that I've gotten away with almost everything I wanted to do, and feeling like I've been shafted.
I think it's quite lucky that I lead this lifestyle, and in fact, my career's only gotten better as I've looked older, because it ages you, the uncertainty.
I'm very lucky in that I've gotten to do a lot of things. But if you ever put a gun to my head and said, "You can only do one," I'd think it would be stand-up. I think it's the coolest job in the world.
What I've learnt being an actor is that you've got to be lucky. I got less lucky, and nobody was interested. If a part came up, it would be for the main corpse's friend's brother who was having problems with his marriage.
I was so lucky and blessed to have gotten 'White Chicks' so early into my career.
I've been really lucky in terms of the people I've gotten to work with.
People think that human beings have gotten worse, that because of the pressures that modern society puts on us, we've gotten worse, and we've gotten capable of doing more terrible things. I don't know if I necessarily think that that's true.
I've really been extremely lucky. Some people work just as hard, are just as intelligent, and they don't get their breaks. I've just gotten the breaks. Maybe it's good karma.
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