A Quote by Howard Schultz

Great opportunities can be and have been created during tough economic times. — © Howard Schultz
Great opportunities can be and have been created during tough economic times.
Economic tough times are great times to be investing in the future.
Tough times don't last, but tough people do. And I've been through some tough times, and I know a lot of people can recall tough times, and maybe are going through some tough times right now, but they don't last.
It's a tough world but female jockeys have been successful so many times that hopefully the perception of riding against the boys will change and we will gain more opportunities.
Opportunities, many times, are so small that we glimpse them not and yet they are often the seeds of great enterprises. Opportunities are also everywhere and so you must always let your hook be hanging. When you least expect it, a great fish will swim by.
Times have been tough, the economy has been tough. But I want to bring forward a fantastic manifesto for taking the city forwards.
I was a hard-times governor. I had to steer my state through the deepest recession since the 1930s. But hey, tough times don't last and tough people do. And can I tell you that Virginians are tough people? We are tough people.
The economic distress of America's inner cities may be the most pressing issue facing the nation. The lack of businesses and jobs in disadvantaged urban areas fuels not only a crushing cycle of poverty but also crippling social problems such as drug abuse and crime… A sustainable economic base can be created in the inner city, but only as it has been created elsewhere: through private, for-profit initiatives and investment based on economic self-interest and genuine competitive advantage.
The pitch that works best in tough economic times is, 'I can do that for less.'
Courage is what you earn when you've been through the tough times and you discover they aren't so tough after all.
Housing has always been a key to Great Resets. During the Great Depression and New Deal, the federal government created a new system of housing finance to usher in the era of suburbanization. We need an even more radical shift in housing today. Housing has consumed too much of our economic resources and distorted the economy. It has trapped people who are underwater on their mortgages or can't sell their homes. And in doing so has left the labor market unable to flexibly adjust to new economic realities.
These are tough and unusual times and I don't see the negative global economic situation abating anytime soon.
I've made tough calls and tough times and been held accountability. I think that is the kind of leadership that the American people need now to produce results.
In these tough economic times, everybody has to cut back. I am down to three tabs of ecstasy a day.
I believe we have all been created for greater things than we can comprehend. The times call for great things, but great things in the noblest and most redemptive sense are predicted upon tolerance, love, respect, understanding, dignity, prayer, God.
Private enterprise creates; government destroys. That is the great economic lesson of our times and all times.
The flag of the United States has not been created by rhetorical sentences in declarations of independence and in bills of rights. It has been created by the experience of a great people, and nothing is written upon it that has not been written by their life. It is the embodiment, not of a sentiment, but of a history.
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