A Quote by Hugh Sidey

When people travel here from across the country, they shed jealousies and politics and prejudices. The mighty climb down. The humble are elevated. — © Hugh Sidey
When people travel here from across the country, they shed jealousies and politics and prejudices. The mighty climb down. The humble are elevated.
If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness and fears.
But as far as being an American and loving this country and getting a chance to travel across it every day and meeting people on the road and folks in the military, I love this country on so many different levels.
I travel up and down the country and I've been all around the middle of America for many years. Middle America is not one big mass of people with a proverbial beer in its hand, keeping the country down. That is not my experience of it and I don't labor under that misconception. And we have a long tradition of coming together through music in our country.
I want to appeal to all people to come together across the country and stand against this politics of corruption.
You can't afford to hate politics. The politics of this country is democracy. Democracy is by the people, of the people and for the people. The day people stop taking active part in the politics of this country, democracy will not survive.
We need a new kind of politics. Not the politics of governance, but the politics of resistance. The politics of opposition. The politics of joining hands across the world and preventing certain destruction.
I've never done it, but I think if you do a Google search for 'People who will help me travel across the country to meet my online love,' I'm probably the only person that comes up.
A climb-out fight is where you climb a building. You climb fire escapes. You climb to the top of the building. You fight on the roof, and you fight all the way down again.
In 'Profiles in Courage,' my grandfather, John F. Kennedy, praised leadership that put country above party, elevated principles over petty politics and promoted progress before personal interests.
If you want to know the reality of life, then you should travel. At first travel your country, after that start travelling the world. Travel to know your surroundings so that we can say that you are an aware person. Nature, people and culture are calling you, so travel.
I like to move around. I travel. I've driven across country by myself.
You have to learn humility. First of all you have to be humble people. Unless and until you have a large heart you can never humble down. You have to be an extremely humble person. Humility doesn't mean that you bow to a person who is dominating, it never means that. But it means a strength within you. The person who is weak can never be humble.
There's no neutral language about travel. Either travel is described in ways that make it sound kind of shallow or just glossy or silly or a way for rich people to spend their time; or else travel is often described in quite derogatory ways, you know, like immigrants swarming across borders, for instance.
Each and every day, more people pay the price of Obamacare's mountain of mandates. As I travel across the country, I continue to hear from Americans who want Washington to take its hands off of their healthcare.
After one arrives at the summit, after going through the total transformation of being...there is yet one more step to the completion of that journey: the return to the valley below, to the everyday world. Who it is that returns is not who began the climb in the first place. The being that comes back is quietness itself, is compassion and wisdom, is the truth of the ages. Whatever humble or elevated position that being holds within the community, he or she becomes a light for others on the way a statement of the freedom that comes from having touched the top of the mountain.
All people have the common desire to be elevated in honour, but all people have something still more elevated in themselves without knowing it.
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