A Quote by Ian Brown

In March 1977, I taped the single 'Career Opportunities' off Piccadilly Radio, which was the '70s equivalent of downloading, and then the album came out in April 1977.
I like 1977 because it is more primitive. If it were modern day, like one Universal guy was like wouldn't they just use their cell phone? I guess he did not read that it was 1977 in the script.
I started broadcasting in 1977 in radio and 1979 on TV.
Though many people mistakenly credit IBM with the first PC in 1981, the Apple II came out four years earlier, in 1977.
I'm a huge Joe Nichols fan, and he put this song out an album called 'Real Things.' I was excited for Joe when I heard it, thinking 'that will easily be Joe Nichols' career song.' I was even more excited when they got out of that album and they never released it as a single, because then I was like, 'Now that's gonna be my career single.'
Thank heavens when the first single Bye Bye came off this album work started to pick up, then I'm Alright has taken us across the world. Radio has been very good, it has chosen to be kind to us.
An album for me as a teenager in the '70s was a fully formed concept. It was a body of work from an artist I liked or trusted or who excited me. Maybe one of the songs is really poppy and you listen to it on the radio as a hit single and then more of the world is about to find out about this artist by buying the record.
I started studying shyness in adults in 1972. Shyness operates at so many different levels. Out of that research came the Stanford shyness clinic in 1977.
Of all the federal agencies created by Congress, one of the true success stories is the 'Mine Safety and Health Administration', which grew out of a bipartisan effort in 1977.
Then when I got to Hollywood, the first musical I did was Festival in 1977.
I dropped out of college for the last time in 1977.
Even when a pilot goes, you shoot it in March or April, and then you have to rush it through post-production by May. If they greenlight it, then you go and there's no time to think about it. And then, you've gotta start shooting in July, so you're off to the races.
The first thing that got to me was seeing David Bowie on a children's TV show, but Bowie was way beyond my aspirations. The Buzzcocks' Spiral Scratch came out in 1977 and it had a breakdown of the recording costs, then you saw Pete Shelley playing a broken guitar from Woolworths. We already had an idea of the kind of music we wanted to do, but punk showed us a way to do it.
I still drive my 1977 Honda Accord. The paint is almost all worn off. It's still running.
I always wanted to get out of Tokyo and in 1977, New York seemed like the most interesting place to visit. I didn't intend to live here- I just wanted to get out and see what was happening. I just happened to stay here then.
After years of making wrong decisions in my life, in 1977 I found out that it was all right to be square, simple, and sober.
I turned six in 1977. Youth athletics then was nothing like this, and I wondered how things changed so much. I started looking at our societal emphasis on sports, using the most tangible metric by which we measure emphasis: money.
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