A Quote by Ian Hislop

You have a huge amount of confidence when you're younger, which slowly ebbs away for the rest of your life. You think: 'No problem. I can do that. Why shouldn't I do it?'
I think talent has a huge amount to do with concentration, concentration rather than the athletic ability of your neurons. If you can concentrate on an esoteric piece of math, how can you think about the rest of your life? That's why people can leave their car keys in the gutter; they're in the midst of obsession and concentration.
It's such a capricious, strange existence, basing your life on the whims of others, and basing your ebbs and flows of confidence and lack of confidence on the fact that people either choose you or don't.
If you go two years without playing with confidence, when your whole life, you've been extremely confident and a hard worker... I got punched in the mouth, and it took me a while to adjust. I kind of had my confidence - I don't want to say taken away, because no one should ever be able to take your confidence away.
Two hundred miles from the surface of the earth there is no gravity. The laws of motion are suspended. You could turn somersaults slowly slowly, weight into weightlessness, nowhere to fall. As you lay on your back paddling in space you might notice your feet had fled your head. You are stretching slowly slowly, getting longer, your joints are slipping away from their usual places. There is no connection between your shoulder and your arm. You will break up bone by bone, fractured from who you are, drifting away now, the centre cannot hold.
Our commitment to Afghanistan is a long-term one. We put a huge amount of resources into trying to make sure there is peace in that country, a huge amount of development assistance, a huge amount of political support for the government.
The thing you think is going to be huge ends up not being huge at all, and the most minute thing you do is talked about for the rest of your life, so I try not to have any expectations at all. I think that helps, if you're just focusing on the project at hand.
Running your own business is a huge amount of fun, but there's also a huge amount of seriousness, so actually, they level out.
When I was younger, I was nervous and didn't have a huge amount of confidence as an actor. Comedy is something - you know when you're getting it right because you can hear. And you can hear if you're not getting it right! I like to create interesting, weird characters, and they're often best in comedies.
If someone else doesn't like your confidence, that's their problem. Why? You always come before they do, that's why.
Do you know how there are moments when the world moves so slowly you can feel your bones shifting, your mind tumbling? When you think that no matter what happens to you for the rest of your life, you will remember every last detail of that one minute forever?
When I slowly got my confidence back, Akshay Kumar said why don't you be a part of 'Dhadkan' and then slowly I started picking up cameos and guest appearances, and those became hit.
I never wanted to show my butt, and I always had a problem with it - I'd cover up when I was younger. It wasn't till I got with my husband that I started to change all that. He compliments me all the time, and when your best friend compliments you, it gives you confidence and makes you want to do stuff in life.
I feel like confidence is something that ebbs and flows. I was given a lot of love and attention from my family growing up, so for sure I had a natural confidence.
Why did the rejection of the modelling industry get to me so much? I think the answer is that these rejections were based on how I looked and I had always prided myself on a healthy amount of self-confidence which I was now rapidly losing.
Albert Einstein, who discovered that a tiny amount of mass is equal to a huge amount of energy, which explains why, as Einstein himself so eloquently put it in a famous 1939 speech to the Physics Department at Princeton, 'You have to exercise for a week to work off the thigh fat from a single Snickers.'
There's a huge amount of faith and confidence in the stunt team.
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