A Quote by Ian MacKaye

My humor is very dry. To me it doesn't make sense. — © Ian MacKaye
My humor is very dry. To me it doesn't make sense.
I am a candid interview and I have a dark and dry sense of humor - a very Canadian sense of humor.
I have a sense of humor. I usually come off as very serious, but I definitely have a dry sense of humor.
If you like dry humor, Henrik Stenson thinks he's very funny, but I think I'm very funny in a dry sense as well.
Me myself, Brian, I'm a Midwesterner at heart, and I have this deep, bone-dry sense of humor, and I've found it worked to combine this Barbie with a dry, sarcastic man.
My dad has a very dry sense of humor and my mom has a more fun, silly sense of humor. My mom is the type that, at the dinner table, you'd look over at and she'd have a piece of asparagus hanging down her nose. Classic mom bit.
I have a very dry sense of humor.
I am a candid interview and I have a dark and dry sense of humor - a very Canadian sense of humor and I am only learning now stupidly that you can't read tongue. When I say something funny in a newspaper and I meant it to be funny, it doesn't read that way.
Every Brit I met had the best sense of humor. They're hilarious: very dry and witty.
J. makes me laugh. He's incredibly dry and has a pretty harsh sense of humor that I enjoy.
My dad is and was very funny and had a really dry sense of humor, which, as a kid, seemed un-fun. But in retrospect, it's kind of hilarious.
In terms of what influenced me, I grew up on The Beatles, and I always was struck by their dry British sense of humor.
My family is pretty funny. My mother is British, so she's got a very dry sense of humor. That's where I got that from.
I think American guys tend to be a bit more forward, a bit more chatty and open than the Brits. The Brits seem to have a darker sense of humor, though I have met some Americans who have adopted bits of the British dry sense of humor as well.
Sometimes when I try to make jokes or have a sense of humor in interviews, it doesn't go over very well. But Twitter made my life easier in this way that I didn't expect. It would have taken probably 10 times as long for people to accept my voice and my sense of humor if I didn't have Twitter.
Because of the movies I make, people get nervous. They think of me as difficult and angry. I am difficult and angry, but they don't expect a sense of humor. And the only thing that gets me through is a sense of humor.
I have an incredibly dry sense of humor.
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