A Quote by iJustine

Even though I do share a lot of stuff, it's a very small portion of my life. And I think you just have to be careful because, anything that you post, it essentially is there forever. If it's not something you don't want everyone to see, don't post it.
I think a lot of people think it's easy to just post stuff. They think it's the easy way to fame nowadays, but it's been hard. You have to film the video, which takes forever because I'm super picky about all my takes and stuff. Then you have to edit it and upload it, and doing that three times a week is very, very difficult.
I think a lot of the logic of Google+ is much better in terms of notification of messages to you, in terms of how you post. One very obvious feature is that with Google+, after you post something, you can edit it forever. That is true of both posts and comments. I edit almost every post I make and almost every comment I make.
In this post-post-racial, post-Obama era of resurgent populism and Balkanized identity politics, it really does feel as though it matters - and matters more than anything else - whether you're black or white.
This post of President is a Constitutional post. It is the duty of everyone, all citizens to see that they respect the post... the institution of President.
Naming is like putting a stamp on something and fixing it. A kind of formaldehyde sort of fixation, but it becomes dead, sitting there forever, frozen. So, I'm not a great one for these modernist, post modernist, post colonial labels. I think they serve certain purpose. You do need some kind of sign post here and there, but it can also become an end in itself.
I have to get off the Internet. It's so unhealthy for me. I do see what they post about me, and it's not always positive. They're mean - though there are some lovely ones. I'm so tempted to post something, but I haven't done it yet.
Obviously, being the CEO, there are a lot of eyes on what you do and what you post and how you post, and I think one of the challenges of Instagram in general is that, as we get bigger, there are just more voices in the room, more eyes on everyone's accounts.
I think that horror films have a very direct relationship to the time in which they're made. The films that really strike a film with the public are very often reflecting something that everyone, consciously or unconsciously feeling - atomic age, post 9-11, post Iraq war; it's hard to predict what people are going to be afraid of.
I'm young, and I'm a girl, so, when I post something, I want to see what people are saying or what they think of my photos. I've found it better if you don't read anything and you just always stay off that track.
Unlike many others, I anyway don't post much from my personal life on social media; it's mostly work related. And when I post something, I'm aware that not everyone would have nice things to say; I'm fine with it.
I don't like to post fresh standup material, because I want to use it in a special. The stuff I like to post online I like to be off-the-cuff moments.
'The Washington Post' doesn't have to report on what I post on Twitter. CNN doesn't have to report on what I post on Twitter. All kinds of media outlets - they don't have to report on anything that I post on Twitter. Just like they don't have to report on all kinds of other things that other people post on Twitter.
I quite like post-apocalyptic films, things like 'Mad Max' for instance, because they are so full on and there is something quite cleansing about the post-apocalyptic because you can see where we all think we're heading.
I worked in a post-production facility for television, but in the machine room, so I was one of the nerds, essentially - making sure everyone had their footage in and all of that stuff.
When I post on Weibo, I try my best to post things that are aspirational and have a positive energy. I often think that maybe people who see my posts are still growing up and in a stage where they are choosing the kind of life they will have. If they see something good and that can influence them, this makes me think that Weibo can be a positive force for young people in China.
Everyone's going to have a racist tweet, a homophobic tweet, a xenophobic tweet, a misogynist tweet. Everyone's going to have a tweet or a post or something that's not going to be ideal, and because of that, you can't really throw stones too hard at the people that do, because if we examined your life in every way, shape, or form, went through every single post with a fine-toothed comb and under that microscope, would it come out all sunshine and lollipops?
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