A Quote by Imelda Staunton

You can only do your best. That's all you can do. And if it isn't good enough, it isn't good enough. — © Imelda Staunton
You can only do your best. That's all you can do. And if it isn't good enough, it isn't good enough.
It was good to see an athlete that emotional in the aftermath of defeat, to show that losing isn't good enough. Fighting hard and trying your best isn't good enough. It showed that the only thing good enough in his eyes was winning. It caused a tremendous amount of emotion from him when he didn't achieve that.
Like letting spiders live because they eat mosquitoes, Clary thought. "So they're good enough to let live, good enough to make your food for you, good enough to flirt with-but not really good enough? I mean, not as good as people.
As an African-American athlete, you get discouraged that this type of thing is still condoned in people's lives. You look at a situation where we're good enough to work for you, but not good enough to be around you. To build a franchise, good enough to build business for you, but not good enough to mingle amongst your circles.
Thinking good thoughts is not enough, doing good deeds is not enough, seeing others follow your good examples is enough.
Nine requisites for contented living: Health enough to make work a pleasure. Wealth enough to support your needs. Strength to battle with difficulties and overcome them. Grace enough to confess your sins and forsake them. Patience enough to toil until some good is accomplished. Charity enough to see some good in your neighbor. Love enough to move you to be useful and helpful to others. Faith enough to make real the things of God. Hope enough to remove all anxious fears concerning the future.
Would that there were an award for people who come to understand the concept of enough. Good enough. Successful enough. Thin enough. Rich enough. Socially responsible enough. When you have self-respect, you have enough.
Don't let anyone tell you you're not good enough. You're good enough, you are too good. Love your family with all your heart and listen to it.
I left my fingerprints somewhere - that's good enough. I am my own person - that's good enough. I stand my ground - that's good enough.
I put myself in a position where I made wrestling an option for me. I don't have to wrestle. I don't have to take another shot for the rest of my life if I don't want to. I have good enough hands, good enough boxing, good enough timing to strike with anybody in our division.
My constant advice to my family - 'hopes high, expectations low' - is based on the idea that we can try our best to be perfect, but sometimes good enough has to be good enough.
We often block our own blessings because we don't feel inherently good enough or smart enough or pretty enough or worthy enough... You're worthy because you are born and because you are here. Your being here, your being alive makes worthiness your birthright. You alone are enough.
Everywhere I look, someone is telling me, 'You're not good enough,' or, 'You can't do this or that.' You can only hear that so many times before enough is enough.
She wondered why they didn't understand that their true selfs were good enough, and if they weren't, then the someones they weren't good enough for, were really the ones not good enough.
Fight for the only thing she knew was good enough, noble enough, powerful enough to be worth risking everything... Love.
Don't let anyone make you feel like you're not good enough, smart enough or cool enough. Do your own thing.
Hold'em is a game of calculated aggression. If your cards are good enough for you to call a bet, they are good enough to raise with.
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