A Quote by Ioan Gruffudd

That's one of the things we love about being an actor. We get to change things up all the time to remain fresh. — © Ioan Gruffudd
That's one of the things we love about being an actor. We get to change things up all the time to remain fresh.
I do love comedy, I have to say. That's one of the greatest things about being an actor: You get to try new things and play around in different genres.
To me, one of the things I love about being an actor is that its never done; its never perfect, and so its the process. Its like practicing being okay with things not being perfect and things being outside of your control.
To me, one of the things I love about being an actor is that it's never done; it's never perfect, and so it's the process. It's like practicing being okay with things not being perfect and things being outside of your control.
Our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time; what we really want is for things to remain the same but get better.
I don't care, but I don't get bitter about anything as long as I can work and do the things I love. And it would be a beautiful world if those things I love and that mean something could remain as they are.
One of the most empowering things about being a self-employed actor is also one of the hardest things; I get to set my own goals.
If you don't change and mix things up, you're going to get run over. One of the things we preach is change, change, change.
I think most of the time with independent films, you don't know where it's gonna end up. I've done a number of films that may never see the light of day, so it ends up being exclusively about the content, material, the characters and the story. Things that you maybe wouldn't get an opportunity to do otherwise. So, as an actor, obviously it's so different.
There are a lot of things I love about acting and one of the things I love the most is, here you are taking words off a page, working with someone you might have met just a week before, and somehow you're creating a moment that separates itself from space and time. You feel an incredible rush when you have that moment with another actor. You can feel it bounce off one another. Every take you do can reveal different things that were hiding. And things outside the story get revealed to you, too. It's an incredible way to work and to experience a story.
Back in the day, we ate fresh; our parents cooked. Now, we're starting to think things are fresh because they're in a can, they're in a box, or they're frozen. That's not fresh. It's difficult to get real fresh.
That's one of the great things about being an actor. You get to learn all these things normal people don't get to learn.
People don't change very much, and the things life ends up being about don't change from generation to generation. Life is about love. And people's stories don't really change. Your environment changes dramatically, technology changes, but people don't change, in the way our minds work.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Grant me the patience with changes that take time, appreciation of all that I have, tolerance of those with different struggles, and the strength to get up and try again, one day at a time.
Some people don't understand that but it's nice when it really just gets to the point then that it [music] doesn't get played so much that you're overdoing a lot of things; that it's fresh ideas. And they come out fresh and if you're already in the mode, I guess, to simplify some things so that it comes across better on record, it's the right time to be tasteful with somethin'.
I'm a T-shirts, sweatpants, and jeans kind of gal; I dress really simply and comfortably. But one of the things I love about being an actor is that I get to wear amazing costumes.
The sum of things there is no power can change, For naught exists outside, to which can flee Out of the world matter of any kind, Nor forth from which a fresh supply can spring, Break in upon the founded world, and change Whole nature of things, and turn their motions about.
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