A Quote by Irwin Redlener

Hospitals are about healing. — © Irwin Redlener
Hospitals are about healing.
Catharsis is about cleansing and healing at one and the same time - healing memories and attitudes, healing the spirit and the heart.
The work of #MeToo is about healing. It's about healing as individuals and healing as communities.
Churches are not museums that display perfect people. They are hospitals where the wounded, hurt, injured and broken find healing.
Patient transfer service is another revolutionary step of the Punjab government, under which patients from tehsil headquarters hospitals and district headquarters hospitals are being shifted to large hospitals free of cost.
Quantum healing is healing the bodymind from a quantum level. That means from a level which is not manifest at a sensory level. Our bodies ultimately are fields of information, intelligence and energy. Quantum healing involves a shift in the fields of energy information, so as to bring about a correction in an idea that has gone wrong. So quantum healing involves healing one mode of consciousness, mind, to bring about changes in another mode of consciousness, body.
I'd been a terrific student. I hadn't wasted a moment of my time in school, and I knew plenty about healing the troubled mind. But no one had taught me a thing about healing the soul
I used to love hospitals. That's another weird thing about me. I remember when my grandmother -- so sweet, God rest her soul -- was in the hospital, I always loved visiting her there. Very morbid memory! Most people hate hospitals. And I'm not a big fan of them now, but there was something about it for me back then.
A lot of healing is in the mind. I'm not talking about serious illnesses like cancer. I'm talking about ordinary broken bones. Healing begins in the head. You have to convince yourself you can do it.
Finding the right healing path requires all or nothing. Once you place conditions on healing, all you can achieve is conditional healing.
Being able to give someone a hug from the heart, it's healing. It's healing for yourself and healing for others, and we need a lot of that.
The most important healing - realizing who you are. The healing on the outer level is fine, but it's not the essence of healing.
That is the difference between St. Jude's and all other children's hospitals. The other hospitals are not bad at all; they're good hospitals, but they're just working with what they know, and St. Jude's is working with what nobody else knows, because they're doing research.
Healing is embracing what is most feared; healing is opening what has been closed, softening what has hardened into obstruction, healing is learning to trust life.
I think about Marvin Gaye and 'Sexual Healing.' What a radical idea that sex was healing. I learned my politics through that music.
I do believe that healing takes place on a number of different levels and that in fact black healing can be deepened by trying to heal across as well as within. But it could be that to call for black and Jewish healing without acknowledging the need for intra-black healing puts the cart before the horse.
The process of self-healing is the privilege of every being. Self-healing is not a miracle, nor is self-healing a dramatization of the personality as though you could do something superior. Self-healing is a genuine process of the relationship between the physical and the infinite power of the soul.
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