A Quote by Irwin Schiff

A small business person has Uncle Sam as a partner, a partner who puts up no money, does no work, and wants 30 or 40 percent — © Irwin Schiff
A small business person has Uncle Sam as a partner, a partner who puts up no money, does no work, and wants 30 or 40 percent
To me, a spouse should be a life partner AND a business partner. Just like any good partner, her strengths must make up for my weaknesses and vice versa.
If you need to bring in a business partner, make sure your partner brings along some money.
If you can do any favor for yourself, if you want to understand yourself, if you really want to build anything for yourself, try to make a plan to have a cozy home and a cozy partner. When even God may leave you, your partner should not-that kind of partner; a partner who does not know how to part. If your partner knows that he can part, he does not yet have the power to unite.
If Mr. Trump wants to work with us to make sure that trade works for the American worker, not just CEOs of corporate America, you have got a partner, partner.
Marriage is work. Get it out of your thick skull that marriage is, 'Oh, we got married and now we just live forever wonderfully.' It's work. It's just like starting a business: You're going to bicker with your business partner, but you don't leave the business partner. You work it out.
If you have a caring life partner, you help the other person when that person needs it. I had a life partner who thought my work was as important as his, and I think that made all the difference for me.
...Nothing that your partner does is personal. Your partner is dealing with her own garbage. If you don't take it personally, it will be so easy for you to have a wonderful relationship with your partner
God has been kind and I'm blessed to have such a supportive partner like Andrei. I somehow like the word partner more than husband. Because Andrei is like my partner-in-crime, partner-in-fun and everything else. He's really proud of me and my work. Whenever I'm stressed or worried about what I'm doing, he always tries to calm me down.
It's easy to isolate yourself when you're buried in work, or to rely only on work friends for empathy. And while your work friends will always 'get it' more than your life partner, they don't know how to comfort you like your partner does.
Of my three daughters and one daughter-in-law, they all work. They all work, some of them full-time, some of them part-time. But they're still there as moms. And when they come home and take over that responsibility, they need a shared partner, and that partner is that partner for life. And I'm talking about, of course, the father.
When a man's partner is killed he's supposed to do something about it. It doesn't make any difference what you thought of him. He was your partner and you're supposed to do something about it. Then it happens we were in the detective business. Well, when one of your organization gets killed it's bad business to let the killer get away with it. It's bad all around-bad for that one organization, bad for every detective everywhere. Sam Spade
Luckily, my husband is my business partner as well as my life partner, so I never had to do the heavy lifting alone, literally or figuratively.
We want it to be sunny. Something small and intimate because my work is so public. That would be good for me, but my partner wants to have a big wedding.
Because my business partner, Mitt Romney, was running for president when 'Unintended Consequences' was published, the media held up my book as a defense of the 1 percent.
I always wanted my partner to be a simple person. She can do what she wants, wear what she wants, work wherever she wants.
Success on any level begins when you accept responsibility for creating life what you want. You are the only person who can truly make it happen. Not your boss, your business partner, your financial planner, your spouse of life-partner. Just you.
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