A Quote by Isaac Barrow

Incredulity is not wisdom, but the worst kind of folly. It is folly, because it causes ignorance and mistake, with all the consequents of these; and it is very bad, as being accompanied with disingenuity, obstinacy, rudeness, uncharitableness, and the like bad dispositions; from which credulity itself, the other extreme sort of folly, is exempt.
Whatever excites the spirit of contradiction is capable of producing the last effects of heroism; which is only the highest pitch of obstinacy, in a good or bad cause, in wisdom or folly.
To tell your own secrets is generally folly, but that folly is without guilt; to communicate those with which we are intrusted is always treachery, and treachery for the most part combined with folly.
Grant folly's prayers that hinder folly's wish, And serve the ends of wisdom.
Given a choice between a folly and a sacrament, one should always choose the folly—because we know a sacrament will not bring us closer to god and there’s always the chance that a folly will.
Politeness is not always a sign of wisdom; but the want of it always leaves room for a suspicion of folly, if folly and imprudence are the same.
When ignorance is bliss, there's folly in wisdom.
The obstinacy of cleverness and reason is nothing to the obstinacy of folly and inanity.
Where lives the man that has not tried How mirth can into folly glide, And folly into sin!
You can have no wise laws nor free enforcement of wise laws unless there is free expression of the wisdom of the people -- and, alas, their folly with it. But if there is freedom, folly will die of its own poison, and the wisdom will survive.
No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism.
There are as many fools at a university as anywhere? But their folly,I admit, has a certain stampthe stamp of university training, if you like. It is trained folly.
Every man has his folly, but the greatest folly of all … is not to have one.
There is no folly like the folly of the wise.
Wisdom prepares for the worst, but folly leaves the worst for the day when it comes.
Purity engenders Wisdom, Passion avarice, and Ignorance folly, infatuation and darkness.
Tis easy to break an idol, very easy: to regard the self as easy to subdue is folly, folly.
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