A Quote by Isabel Paterson

Trade and money, which go together in a stream of energy, inevitably wash away the enclosing walls of a society of status. — © Isabel Paterson
Trade and money, which go together in a stream of energy, inevitably wash away the enclosing walls of a society of status.
There is inevitably a trade-off between staffing and safety, and as a society we must decide where that balance should be struck.
We live in a welfare state society - one that is already bloated and overburdened. We cannot continue to absorb and support an endless stream of people who will inevitably need legal residents to subsidize their lives.
One who is connected to the Energy Stream is more powerful than a million who are not. And two who are harmoniously focused and connected to the Energy Stream brings about a co-creative endeavor that cannot be matched by anything else in all of the Universe.
Work is that which you dislike doing but perform for the sake of external rewards. At school, this takes the form of grades. In society, it means money, status, privilege.
There is an energy within... pure strength... the energy of the person which is put in different forms, in different shapes... once we discover that energy I think that such a thing as dance becomes such a delight because you're moving on a stream that is you but it is even over and beyond you.
I'm going to give away a lot more than half my money. I'd be happy to give that to the government if the government put together programs that were like I'm giving away to charity, in which I believe the money is effectively used to help people.
Any waste stream in our society can be turned into a revenue stream. It's turning the lemons in our society into lemonade.
The men can go away, the executives can go away, but what is really though in this society are the players who has been handed down the feel of winning, of being the absolute best, which isn't equal to any other team.
There is the emergence of a militarized society that now organizes itself for the production of violence. A society in which the range of acceptable opinion inevitably shrinks.
If life has not made you by God's grace, through faith, holy--think you, will death without faith do it? The cold waters of that narrow stream are no purifying bath in which you may wash and be clean. No! no! as you go down into them, you will come up from them.
We cannot go beyond the consumer society unless we first understand that obligatory public schools inevitably reproduce such a society, no matter what is taught in them.
The way the Europeans work, most girls get paid by their federation; their country pays them. Essentially the federations say go represent our country, race on whatever trade team you want, and here's your money. So you don't really make you're money on trade teams. Europeans make money through their country's federation. There's not a lot of money for women in cycling in Europe either.
There is a limbo of the lost through which American males of a certain age and status almost inevitably must pass these days.
I'd never trade my old girl for all the money in the world. I'd never trade my daughter Toya for all the money in the world. I'd never trade my only boy for all the money in the world. I put my last name first!
I would describe our band "Paper Walls' growth as the natural evolution for anyone the age of 25 to 27, but with "Paper Walls' we focused on the best of what Yellowcard had to offer from our previous work. Meaning we took the energy we had from Ocean Avenue and blended that with that sharp rock edge and all the different sonic evolutions we have on "Lights and Sounds', and we basically mashed them together. So what we have on "Paper Walls' is basically the finest Yellowcard sounds we have to offer.
There is a Life Stream that flows to you, and this is a Stream of clarity, a Stream of wellness, a Stream of abundance - and in any moment, you are allowing it or not. What someone else does with the Stream, or not, does not have anything to do with how much of it will be left for you.
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