A Quote by J. R. R. Tolkien

Alive without breath, As cold as death; Never thirsty, ever drinking, All in mail never clinking. — © J. R. R. Tolkien
Alive without breath, As cold as death; Never thirsty, ever drinking, All in mail never clinking.
Drink because you are happy, but never because you are miserable. Never drink when you are wretched without it, or you will be like the grey-faced gin-drinker in the slum; but drink when you would be happy without it, and you will be like the laughing peasant of Italy. Never drink because you need it, for this is rational drinking, and the way to death and hell. But drink because you do not need it, for this is irrational drinking, and the ancient health of the world.
Satiety comes of too frequent repetition and he who will not give himself leisure to be thirsty can never find the true pleasure of drinking
There is no death. How can there be death if everything is part of the Godhead? The soul never dies and the body is never really alive.
There are two reasons for drinking: one is, when you are thirsty, to cure it; the other, when you are not thirsty, to prevent it.
We all know of course, that we should never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever fiddle around in any way with electrical equipment. NEVER.
I never looked at fan mail, for some reason. My mother and grandmother handled my mail - although it's not like I was ever in the stratosphere of Kirk Cameron or Scott Baio.
I have a reputation for drinking a lot. Indeed, I drink quite much. However, I give it up when I wish to do so. I never, ever drink while on duty. The drinking is only for my pleasure. I do not remember neglecting my duties because of drinking even once.
My husband is the only guy I've ever dated where I've never been drunk around him. I couldn't handle dating without drinking in the past.
There are two reasons for drinking wine...when you are thirsty, to cure it; the other, when you are not thirsty, to prevent it... prevention is better than cure.
I was in college, it was my first year of college when I got the show, so I've been kinda' partying a lot and drinking a lot and I've never been stoned and when I got the show I got really serious... So I kinda stop drinking, cold turkey so I had never been stoned until... It's something that happened with Mila and Ashton.
I haven't been drinking for years now. Something's got to give. I don't mind that I'm a guy that's stopped drinking, though this interview is making me mighty thirsty.
Best while you have it use your breath, There is no drinking after death.
Death without the possibility of ever changing the world is the same as a life that never was.
If you could once make up your mind never to undertake more work ... than you can carry on calmly, quietly, without hurry or flurry ... and if the instant you feel yourself growing nervous and ... out of breath, you would stop and take a breath, you would find this simple common-sense rule doing for you what no prayers or tears could ever accomplish.
You can surrender without a prayer, but never really pray without surrender. You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win without a fight.
And girls need cold anger. They need the cold simmer, the ceaseless grudge, the talent to avoid forgiveness, the side stepping of compromise. They need to know when they say something that they will never back down, ever, ever.
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