A Quote by Jack Hyles

On the essentials, unity. On the nonessentials, liberty. In everything, charity. — © Jack Hyles
On the essentials, unity. On the nonessentials, liberty. In everything, charity.
In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity and love.
I think that we're guided by the motto in "essentials unity, non essentials liberty and in all things charity." So if pastors compromise essential Christian doctrine, I think that there is a biblical warrant for naming them.
In essentials, unity; in differences, liberty; in all things, charity.
Unity in things Necessary, Liberty in things Unnecessary, and Charity in all.
In what is necessary, unity; in what is not necessary, liberty and in all things charity.
In necessary things, unity; in doubtful things, liberty; in all things, charity.
To understand one another, and to grow in charity and truth, we need to pause, to accept and listen to one another. In this way we already begin to experience unity. Unity grows along the way, it never stands still. Unity happens when we walk together.
Would we hold liberty, we must have charity- charity to others, charity to ourselves, crawling up from the moist ovens of a steaming world, still carrying the passional equipment of our ferocious ancestors, emerging from black superstition amid carnage and atrocity to our perilous present.
Canada has no cultural unity, no linguistic unity, no religious unity, no economic unity, no geographic unity. All it has is unity.
After order and liberty, economy is one of the highest essentials of a free government.
Tree of Liberty: A tree set up by the people, hung with flags and devices, and crowned with a cap of liberty. The Americans of the United States planted poplars and other trees during the war of independence, "as symbols of growing freedom." The Jacobins in Paris planted their first tree of liberty in 1790. The symbols used in France to decorate their trees of liberty were tricoloured ribbons, circles to indicate unity, triangles to signify equality, and a cap of liberty. Trees of liberty were planted by the Italians in the revolution of 1848.
The things that have acquired unity are these: Heaven by unity has become clear; Earth by unity has become steady; The Spirit by unity has become spiritual; The Valley by unity has become full; All things by unity have come into existence.
When we get hung up on the non-essentials, the essentials have no opportunity to make a significant appearance.
I know that there is one God in heaven, the Father of all humanity, and heaven is therefore one. I know that there is one sun in the sky, which gives light to all the world. As there is unity in God, and unity in the light, so is there unity in the principles of freedom. Wherever it is broken, wherever a shadow is cast upon the sunny rays of the sun of liberty, there is always danger of free principles everywhere in the world.
To be alone by being part of the universe-fitting in completely to an environment of woods and silence and peace. Everything you do becomes a unity and a prayer. Unity within and without.
The ego is a very bad quality. Ego sees everything as sep­arate; it sees everything as dual. You must remove this ego and see only the Unity. Think only of Unity; think only of the basis of everything.
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